APP - Now this is the height of hypocrisy and chutzpah

Teflon Don

I'm back baby
I am watching PMSNBC and Ambassador McFaul is on whining that he is concerned that Russia may "indict him for crimes he didn't do". Now, let that sink in for a second. For the last two years we have been treated to the Mueller side show in an effort to "get" President Trump. As part of that effort we have been treated to pronouncements from our intel community that "Russians hacked our election". Mueller has taken his marching orders and has indicted Russian officers.

So the United States can indict people from other countries but we cry foul if other countries do it to us?

Doesn't that seem a little hypocritical? For those who cheered about these 12 indictments, didn't you even think about the potential unintended national security consequences?

I posted this concern before and of course the left scoffed at the notion because in their eyes, Mueller can do no wrong. He served in Vietnam you know. Serving in Vietnam is a get out of jail free card for any future political actions liberals support.

I personally hope that Russia does indict this American citizen to send the message that the Deep State's actions have consequences.
I am watching PMSNBC and Ambassador McFaul is on whining that he is concerned that Russia may "indict him for crimes he didn't do". Now, let that sink in for a second. For the last two years we have been treated to the Mueller side show in an effort to "get" President Trump. As part of that effort we have been treated to pronouncements from our intel community that "Russians hacked our election". Mueller has taken his marching orders and has indicted Russian officers.

So the United States can indict people from other countries but we cry foul if other countries do it to us?

Doesn't that seem a little hypocritical? For those who cheered about these 12 indictments, didn't you even think about the potential unintended national security consequences?

I posted this concern before and of course the left scoffed at the notion because in their eyes, Mueller can do no wrong. He served in Vietnam you know. Serving in Vietnam is a get out of jail free card for any future political actions liberals support.

I personally hope that Russia does indict this American citizen to send the message that the Deep State's actions have consequences.

Is McFaul concerned that he may have violated Russian law somehow?
I am watching PMSNBC and Ambassador McFaul is on whining that he is concerned that Russia may "indict him for crimes he didn't do". Now, let that sink in for a second. For the last two years we have been treated to the Mueller side show in an effort to "get" President Trump. As part of that effort we have been treated to pronouncements from our intel community that "Russians hacked our election". Mueller has taken his marching orders and has indicted Russian officers.

So the United States can indict people from other countries but we cry foul if other countries do it to us?

Doesn't that seem a little hypocritical? For those who cheered about these 12 indictments, didn't you even think about the potential unintended national security consequences?

I posted this concern before and of course the left scoffed at the notion because in their eyes, Mueller can do no wrong. He served in Vietnam you know. Serving in Vietnam is a get out of jail free card for any future political actions liberals support.

I personally hope that Russia does indict this American citizen to send the message that the Deep State's actions have consequences.

So now you support the corrupt justice system that has a habit of killing those that disagree with Putin. Well, so does Trump, so why would one be surprised you do too. You people are so used to being on your knees in front of him you have no spine left as if you had one to begin with.
So now you support the corrupt justice system that has a habit of killing those that disagree with Putin. Well, so does Trump, so why would one be surprised you do too. You people are so used to being on your knees in front of him you have no spine left as if you had one to begin with.

That's quite a leap of logic.
No, it is logic something you are lacking any understanding of. Putin has jailed many of his opposition, and then they have "mysteriously" died while in prison. In fact, some have even "mysteriously" died on the streets. Of course, I know you would have the balls to take a chance, right?

The leap of logic I refer to is your presumption that OP supports that.
The leap of logic I refer to is your presumption that OP supports that.

Unless he is totally ignorant of reality:

"I personally hope that Russia does indict this American citizen to send the message that the Deep State's actions have consequences. "

He does.
Unless he is totally ignorant of reality: "I personally hope that Russia does indict this American citizen to send the message that the Deep State's actions have consequences. " He does.

So you say. That hardly adds up to your logical leap.

So now you support the corrupt justice system that has a habit of killing those that disagree with Putin. Well, so does Trump, so why would one be surprised you do too. You people are so used to being on your knees in front of him you have no spine left as if you had one to begin with.