Now USA Gov't Can Focus More On Intensifying How To Screw Own Citizens With Afghanist

David Jeffrey Spetch

Verified User
Now USA Gov't Can Focus More On Intensifying How To Screw Own Citizens With Afghanistan Out Of The Way

Even here in Canada, likely the gov't will in some way mimic USA when it comes to Afghanistan. Even PM Harper used Canadian soldiers to help islamise Afghanistan while claiming it was to create democracy (there is no democracy where there is islam) which lead to easy camouflage for the taliban to infiltrate and they waited for troops to be pulled from Afghanistan as they were obviously ready to pounce straight away and seemingly in concert with Biden.

Religion is the scum of the earth and everyone's enemy, when are you bunch of sheep going to wake the fa cup?!

One of the most modern informative videos ever made:



Primary Factual Fundamentalist
World Class Activist
David Jeffrey Spetch
Ps. Be good, be strong!
Hamilton Ontario Canada
Now USA Gov't Can Focus More On Intensifying How To Screw Own Citizens With Afghanistan Out Of The Way

Even here in Canada, likely the gov't will in some way mimic USA when it comes to Afghanistan. Even PM Harper used Canadian soldiers to help islamise Afghanistan while claiming it was to create democracy (there is no democracy where there is islam) which lead to easy camouflage for the taliban to infiltrate and they waited for troops to be pulled from Afghanistan as they were obviously ready to pounce straight away and seemingly in concert with Biden.

Religion is the scum of the earth and everyone's enemy, when are you bunch of sheep going to wake the fa cup?!

One of the most modern informative videos ever made:



Primary Factual Fundamentalist
World Class Activist
David Jeffrey Spetch
Ps. Be good, be strong!
Hamilton Ontario Canada

If you live in Canada why do you care about American politics?

I'm wearing barbed wire underwear, you wish. I happen to have been in contact with tens of thousands of elected, appointed and designated officials of almost 200 countries over the course of a half of a decade on several occasions in recent years. Been in contact with UK and Canadian officials since year 2000 on hundreds if not thousands of occasions. Since your brain might be just way too small to figure out something so simple all by yourself, I happen to care about what goes on on this planet, and I also care about the well being and sanity of current and future generations of the life on this planet of which I have been fighting globalists and their rhetoric for 21 years even on hundreds if not thousands of public forums. I have taken notice that when some bs gets pushed in some way successfully in one country, then other countries will have to be weary of the same crap happening to them. I work to prevent it, remove globalist lies and deceptions from schools and legislation etc. to bring society to rational understanding minus all of the sick and filthy globalist lies and deceptions of which officials of several countries in modern day are turning backs on citizens, turning backs on democracy where there is acclaimed to be such and instead catering to the dictatorship of lobbyists which are for the most part globalist lap dogs. We are being betrayed, political parties have a monopoly on governing systems and political parties along with lobbying have got to go.

If you weren't such a clueless sock puppet, perhaps you would understand something so simple all by yourself ;)

Now USA Gov't Can Focus More On Intensifying How To Screw Own Citizens With Afghanistan Out Of The Way

Even here in Canada, likely the gov't will in some way mimic USA when it comes to Afghanistan. Even PM Harper used Canadian soldiers to help islamise Afghanistan while claiming it was to create democracy (there is no democracy where there is islam) which lead to easy camouflage for the taliban to infiltrate and they waited for troops to be pulled from Afghanistan as they were obviously ready to pounce straight away and seemingly in concert with Biden.

Indonesia and Malaysia are fairly democratic nations.
Indonesia and Malaysia are fairly democratic nations.

Afghanistan are in the 90's percentage of muslims of which do I really have to spell out for you where muslim populations are the majority? I'm not convinced that there is a democracy here in Canada let alone Malaysia or Indonesia with officials catering to lobbyist dictatorship it's not a democracy, it's officials catering to globalist lap dog dictatorship and citizens getting screwed over.
Afghanistan are in the 90's percentage of muslims of which do I really have to spell out for you where muslim populations are the majority? I'm not convinced that there is a democracy here in Canada let alone Malaysia or Indonesia with officials catering to lobbyist dictatorship it's not a democracy, it's officials catering to globalist lap dog dictatorship and citizens getting screwed over.

Both Indonesia (87%) and Malaysia (63%) are majority Muslim.
Everything's a dictatorship or tyranny to kooks like you.

Oh here we have officials turning backs on democracy and citizens to cater to the dictatorship of lobbyists which inspires you calling me a kook for pointing that out. Yeah ok Katzgar. Are you a lobbyist, a politician or perhaps one of the skid mark in someone's underwear mentality of the globalist crime organization thugs? Oh right, one of them offered you 5 bucks to say that ... that explains your retardation.
If you are going to claim Canada is a dictatorship you can never find a democracy. Are there any democracies in the world?

If people would stop being so selfish, greedy and ignorant there could be genuine democracies plus globalist damage undone for the most part and economies back up and thriving but people like the religious for example are just too selfish greedy and ignorant to let go of their following of factually proven foundations of lies at this point. They are not ready, too dumb and childish in mentality like all of these selfish interest groups like the lgbt, blm, antifa who follow religious example of ignore fact, make up lies, call it their belief then start trying to force such rubbish upon everyone else. ... And with what goes on these days and I have been in contact with tens of thousands of elected, appointed and designated officials of almost 200 countries in recent years on several occasions while keeping a watchful eye I would be surprised if there is a democracy.
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