Now we know they support trump

Guno צְבִי

We fight, We win
Half of Americans Exposed to IQ-Lowering Levels of Lead Growing Up, Study Finds

Even before leaded gasoline was introduced, though, the harmful effects of lead poisoning were well-established. Heavy exposure is known to cause serious and sometimes fatal organ damage, including killing off brain cells. But what became clear by the 1970s is that there is no safe level of lead exposure, and even exposure to low but chronic levels of lead can still be dangerous, especially to the developing brains of children.
In our elderly home back in St. Louis, we used to tell the parrots not to chew on the window sills or they would end up being Republicans. :rofl2:
In Nitro, WV, the stench is so bad it peels off the paintings off the bridge. They had to redo it every day. If you ever go through it (I-64), make sure to cover your face.
Half of Americans Exposed to IQ-Lowering Levels of Lead Growing Up, Study Finds

Even before leaded gasoline was introduced, though, the harmful effects of lead poisoning were well-established. Heavy exposure is known to cause serious and sometimes fatal organ damage, including killing off brain cells. But what became clear by the 1970s is that there is no safe level of lead exposure, and even exposure to low but chronic levels of lead can still be dangerous, especially to the developing brains of children.
Lead based paint was the best. Deadly, but boy did it cover.

In the old days, if you wanted to know which brand was best, just lift the cans.

The heavier can had more lead.