APP - Now we know why Bill Clinton put out his pre-emptive denial

Teflon Don

I'm back baby

It looks like he has been caught in another set of lies according to sworn testimony. I wonder what wonderful excuses we will be treated to by the left?

"Everyone lies about pedophilia"

"They were over international waters so American laws don't apply"

"The girls told him they were 18. What is he supposed to do, card them?"

"It was consensual"

"It depends on what the definition of "underage" is"

Some may think I am being sarcastic, but I am not. In my lifetime, I have seen leftists twist themselves into all sorts of knots defending all sorts of depravity.

It looks like he has been caught in another set of lies according to sworn testimony. I wonder what wonderful excuses we will be treated to by the left?

"Everyone lies about pedophilia"

"They were over international waters so American laws don't apply"

"The girls told him they were 18. What is he supposed to do, card them?"

"It was consensual"

"It depends on what the definition of "underage" is"

Some may think I am being sarcastic, but I am not. In my lifetime, I have seen leftists twist themselves into all sorts of knots defending all sorts of depravity.