APP - NSA Opinions and Commentary


"Liberty is the right to do what the law permits." Charles de Montesquieu

Excellent outline of changing laws and key players in NSA and electronic monitoring

'Mass Surveillance in America: A Timeline of Loosening Laws and Practices'
by Cora Currier, Justin Elliott and Theodoric Meyer; ProPublica, June 7, 2013

Mass Surveillance in America: A Timeline of Loosening Laws and Practices

"The NSA lives to snoop; their metaphysics isn’t physics, but their metadata is data.. They have reasons but reasons aren’t beyond question. Their actions are thesis. Snowden and Greenwald don’t have to be beyond question either; they are inevitable antithesis. I have no idea what the synthesis will or should be. From Wikipedia: All things contain within themselves internal dialectical contradictions, which are the primary cause of motion, change, and development in the world. Enjoy the show."

'Data Minding' Minding.pdf

Another piece on the role of cyberspace and other monitoring in modern society. It reminds me so much of the unreality of MSM in America, while MSM watches Tiger and Kim, and Rush labels women sluts, the fox, properly attired in corporate suit, is stealing the chickens away to the Caymans. And all the while Americans are worried about guns, soda sizes, contraceptives, and whether their recorder captured the latest (un)reality show. And so it goes....

"To get some perspective on the manipulative role that private intelligence agencies play in our society, it is worth examining information that has been revealed by some significant hacks in the past few years of previously secret data.

Important insight into the world these companies came from a 2010 hack by a group best known as LulzSec (at the time the group was called Internet Feds), which targeted the private intelligence firm HBGary Federal. That hack yielded 75,000 e-mails. It revealed, for example, that Bank of America approached the Department of Justice over concerns about information that WikiLeaks had about it. The Department of Justice in turn referred Bank of America to the lobbying firm Hunton and Willliams, which in turn connected the bank with a group of information security firms collectively known as Team Themis."

"Given the scope and content of what Hammond’s hacks exposed, his supporters agree that what he did was right. In their view, the private intelligence industry is effectively engaged in Psyops against American public., engaging in “planned operations to convey selected information to [us] to influence [our] emotions, motives, objective reasoning and, ultimately, [our] behavior”? Or as the philosopher might put it, they are engaged in epistemic warfare." from article above

The above should be shown every time Fox Media comes on the air. :lol:

There is just a bit of irony in the fact a person from a freedom loving country is seeking refuge in a not so free country. Maybe he will go to work in an Apple slave factory for 12 hour days. Freedom is such an odd concept if examined too closely.

"Though it is often claimed that the left stands for equality while the right stand for freedom, the notion misstates the actual disagreement between right and left. Historically, the conservative has favored liberty for the higher orders and constraint for the lower orders. What the conservatives sees and dislikes in equality, in other words, is not a threat to freedom but its extension." Corey Robin