President Trump not buying into the nuclear proliferation myth made my day.
Stopping nuclear proliferation has been a United Nations con job for as long as I can remember. The myth says it was the fear of nuclear war, not diplomacy, that kept the Cold War cold for the most part. At the beginning of the Cold War the Left justified treason with this gem “If everybody has the atomic bomb nobody will use them.” Democrats were wrong then and they are wrong now in the way they are trying to clean up the mess they made of the world.
MAD —— mutually assured destruction —— is an ironclad guaranty in today’s reality: When everybody has atomic bombs somebody is sure to use them. If that ain’t nuclear proliferation it will do for the time being.
The certainty of retaliation following an attack means the will to wipe an attacker off the face of the Earth. Diplomacy plays a negligible part in negotiating defense pacts that work. Voluntary compliance is still up to the warring parties. To no one’s surprise Russians never intended to comply with a treaty they signed. There is less chance China and North Korea will comply with a treaty they did not sign.
The flaw in “nobody will use them” thinking is that this country’s enemies will use them the minute they are certain they will not pay too big of a price for their victory. Every treaty the U.S. signs brings the enemy closer to their certain victory. The trick is to grind enemies into dust who are sure they cannot lose. Basically, this has to become the end game for wars against aggressive governments in the future.
Destroy everything using all of the technology available short of nuclear and biological weapons. Destroy every commercial building. Destroy every structure higher than 25 feet. Destroy every dam, every bridge, every tunnel, every power plant, every airport, every railroad. When that is done do not sign a peace treaty with people who advocated war in the first place. Never signing a peace treaty means that every time a defeated enemy rebuilds something knock it down again until they curse the reason they started their war.
Systematically keep the defeated people living in the dark ages for a century.
Every neutral country that accepts refugees from a defeated country will be committing an act of war.
Anyone found guilty providing aid and comfort to the enemy during, or after the war ends, would be sentenced to living the remainder of their life in the defeated country.
One message must be made clear to America’s enemies, and to those who help them: Whatever you do to Americans will be done to you a thousand times over. That message — understood and believed by ambitious enemies — is almost as important as is defeating enemy armies in battle. Severe certain punishment is also a pretty good deterrent to international sharpshooters playing on both teams.
Monopolies work
The fear of atomic war was instrumental at the end of WWII when the U.N. falsely claimed a monopoly on stopping nuclear proliferation. Talk about being stuck in a time warp! They act like no other WMD were developed since 1945. I will not go over everything again, but I will say that WMD now includes biological and chemical. In many ways they are more horrible than nuclear.
The biggest mistake the federal government ever made was NOT maintaining its monopoly on nuclear weapons. That meant protecting America’s intellectual property by bombing the facilities of any country trying to develop nuclear bombs. Unfortunately, Communists began infiltrated the highest levels of government as far back as the 1930s; so protecting the nuclear monopoly was probably impossible.
At the risk of sounding like a Monday morning quarterback, had America retained its monopoly the touchy-feely freaks who never stop whining about stopping nuclear proliferation would have gotten exactly what they wanted, and the world would be safer for it. The worst of it is: Useful idiots now whine for treaties like New START only makes enemies stronger and the U.S. weaker.
After American Communists shifted into high gear nuclear proliferation was a certainty. Indeed, every arms control treaty triggered another arms race.
NOTE: Every ruling class, including Americans, fear dying in a nuclear war. Their fears began in WWI with mustard gas and bombs dropped from newly-invented aircraft. The League of Nations was the first attempt to allay their fears. Nuclear, biological, and chemical weapons are the offspring of mustard gas and aerial bombing. Try to imagine their fears today using this as your guide: Ruling classes never cared who, or how many, they sent out to die in wars prior to WWI —— so long as it was not them.
Let me jump to a few choice words by John Kerry who never had an original thought in his life.
Kerry: I‘m going to shut that program down, and we‘re going to make it clear to the world we‘re serious about containing nuclear proliferation.
This is the nitty-gritty of Kerry’s governing philosophy. Kerry’s “we” means the U.N.
Just a reminder: Hiroshima and Nagasaki were most important in getting Americans to accept the U.N. at the end of WWII. A nuclear war was unthinkable. Well, in every way the U.N. is a failed institution to freedom-loving people. It has not stopped nuclear war because the fat lady did not sing yet.
The United Nations never wanted to deny nuclear technology to the Soviet Union and Communist China. In fact, it was a host of American Communist traitors who gave the Soviet Union enough help to give the Soviets a running start in their race toward nuclear weapons.
The truth is that American traitors, like the Rosenbergs and others, put nuclear proliferation at least fifteen years ahead of schedule with the stuff they stole and gave to the Soviet Union. Those same true believers will die believing their ideology when they are being incinerated by a Muslim nuclear bomb, or their flesh is falling off as a result of a chemical weapon attack.
To this day John Kerry does not admit that Communist countries, and Communism itself, are the enemies of individual liberties. He reiterated the Communist hardline over and over throughout the debate with Bush the Younger —— U.N. dominance in all things. Kerry used different words than did U.N. champions that came before him, but it was the same message.
Incidentally, John Kerry opposed a missile defense shield in the face of China and North Korea’s nuclear and missile technology. Putting nuclear aside, I do not know if Kerry realizes that missiles can be used to deliver poison gas, chemical, and biological warheads. Neither appeasement nor relying on the U.N. is going to prevent enemies from using such weapons.
Parenthetically, the United States, Russia, the UK, France, China, North Korea, India, Pakistan, and Israel are the nuclear nine. Thanks to the New World Order crowd Iran will soon join the club. The more nations that can afford to join the nuclear fraternity, the greater the certainty that every country will be forced to surrender its sovereignty to the United Nations in order to prevent a nuclear war. So much for the U.N. preventing nuclear proliferation.
QUESTION: Which do you prefer? The certainty of being beheaded by a Muslim if you do not kneel to Islam while U.N. inspectors look on? or the certainty that the U.S. and its willing allies can better protect themselves from Muslim terrorists AND from nuclear proliferation treaties without the U.N.’s help.
Stopping nuclear proliferation has been a United Nations con job for as long as I can remember. The myth says it was the fear of nuclear war, not diplomacy, that kept the Cold War cold for the most part. At the beginning of the Cold War the Left justified treason with this gem “If everybody has the atomic bomb nobody will use them.” Democrats were wrong then and they are wrong now in the way they are trying to clean up the mess they made of the world.
MAD —— mutually assured destruction —— is an ironclad guaranty in today’s reality: When everybody has atomic bombs somebody is sure to use them. If that ain’t nuclear proliferation it will do for the time being.
The certainty of retaliation following an attack means the will to wipe an attacker off the face of the Earth. Diplomacy plays a negligible part in negotiating defense pacts that work. Voluntary compliance is still up to the warring parties. To no one’s surprise Russians never intended to comply with a treaty they signed. There is less chance China and North Korea will comply with a treaty they did not sign.
The flaw in “nobody will use them” thinking is that this country’s enemies will use them the minute they are certain they will not pay too big of a price for their victory. Every treaty the U.S. signs brings the enemy closer to their certain victory. The trick is to grind enemies into dust who are sure they cannot lose. Basically, this has to become the end game for wars against aggressive governments in the future.
Destroy everything using all of the technology available short of nuclear and biological weapons. Destroy every commercial building. Destroy every structure higher than 25 feet. Destroy every dam, every bridge, every tunnel, every power plant, every airport, every railroad. When that is done do not sign a peace treaty with people who advocated war in the first place. Never signing a peace treaty means that every time a defeated enemy rebuilds something knock it down again until they curse the reason they started their war.
Systematically keep the defeated people living in the dark ages for a century.
Every neutral country that accepts refugees from a defeated country will be committing an act of war.
Anyone found guilty providing aid and comfort to the enemy during, or after the war ends, would be sentenced to living the remainder of their life in the defeated country.
NOTE: Technology and modern weapons of war require preemptive strikes against clear and imminent military threats. The alternative to preemptive is retaliation after an attack. If retaliation becomes necessary it must be a total war in order to prevent a defeated enemy from wrapping themselves in a peace treaty where they can regroup and rearm for another try. In short: Touchy-feely freaks should have no say before, or after, this country’s wars of self-defense.
One message must be made clear to America’s enemies, and to those who help them: Whatever you do to Americans will be done to you a thousand times over. That message — understood and believed by ambitious enemies — is almost as important as is defeating enemy armies in battle. Severe certain punishment is also a pretty good deterrent to international sharpshooters playing on both teams.
Monopolies work
The fear of atomic war was instrumental at the end of WWII when the U.N. falsely claimed a monopoly on stopping nuclear proliferation. Talk about being stuck in a time warp! They act like no other WMD were developed since 1945. I will not go over everything again, but I will say that WMD now includes biological and chemical. In many ways they are more horrible than nuclear.
The biggest mistake the federal government ever made was NOT maintaining its monopoly on nuclear weapons. That meant protecting America’s intellectual property by bombing the facilities of any country trying to develop nuclear bombs. Unfortunately, Communists began infiltrated the highest levels of government as far back as the 1930s; so protecting the nuclear monopoly was probably impossible.
At the risk of sounding like a Monday morning quarterback, had America retained its monopoly the touchy-feely freaks who never stop whining about stopping nuclear proliferation would have gotten exactly what they wanted, and the world would be safer for it. The worst of it is: Useful idiots now whine for treaties like New START only makes enemies stronger and the U.S. weaker.
After American Communists shifted into high gear nuclear proliferation was a certainty. Indeed, every arms control treaty triggered another arms race.
NOTE: Every ruling class, including Americans, fear dying in a nuclear war. Their fears began in WWI with mustard gas and bombs dropped from newly-invented aircraft. The League of Nations was the first attempt to allay their fears. Nuclear, biological, and chemical weapons are the offspring of mustard gas and aerial bombing. Try to imagine their fears today using this as your guide: Ruling classes never cared who, or how many, they sent out to die in wars prior to WWI —— so long as it was not them.
Let me jump to a few choice words by John Kerry who never had an original thought in his life.
Kerry: I‘m going to shut that program down, and we‘re going to make it clear to the world we‘re serious about containing nuclear proliferation.
Kerry: I‘m going to shut that program down, and we‘re going to make it clear to the world we‘re serious about containing nuclear proliferation.
This is the nitty-gritty of Kerry’s governing philosophy. Kerry’s “we” means the U.N.
Just a reminder: Hiroshima and Nagasaki were most important in getting Americans to accept the U.N. at the end of WWII. A nuclear war was unthinkable. Well, in every way the U.N. is a failed institution to freedom-loving people. It has not stopped nuclear war because the fat lady did not sing yet.
The United Nations never wanted to deny nuclear technology to the Soviet Union and Communist China. In fact, it was a host of American Communist traitors who gave the Soviet Union enough help to give the Soviets a running start in their race toward nuclear weapons.
The truth is that American traitors, like the Rosenbergs and others, put nuclear proliferation at least fifteen years ahead of schedule with the stuff they stole and gave to the Soviet Union. Those same true believers will die believing their ideology when they are being incinerated by a Muslim nuclear bomb, or their flesh is falling off as a result of a chemical weapon attack.
To this day John Kerry does not admit that Communist countries, and Communism itself, are the enemies of individual liberties. He reiterated the Communist hardline over and over throughout the debate with Bush the Younger —— U.N. dominance in all things. Kerry used different words than did U.N. champions that came before him, but it was the same message.
Kerry: And we‘re going to get the job of containing all of that nuclear material in Russia done in four years. And we‘re going to build the strongest international network to prevent nuclear proliferation.
Presidential debate
Bush-Kerry debate Sept. 30, 2004
updated 10/1/2004 2:20:49 AM ET
Bush-Kerry debate Sept. 30, 2004
updated 10/1/2004 2:20:49 AM ET
Incidentally, John Kerry opposed a missile defense shield in the face of China and North Korea’s nuclear and missile technology. Putting nuclear aside, I do not know if Kerry realizes that missiles can be used to deliver poison gas, chemical, and biological warheads. Neither appeasement nor relying on the U.N. is going to prevent enemies from using such weapons.
Parenthetically, the United States, Russia, the UK, France, China, North Korea, India, Pakistan, and Israel are the nuclear nine. Thanks to the New World Order crowd Iran will soon join the club. The more nations that can afford to join the nuclear fraternity, the greater the certainty that every country will be forced to surrender its sovereignty to the United Nations in order to prevent a nuclear war. So much for the U.N. preventing nuclear proliferation.
QUESTION: Which do you prefer? The certainty of being beheaded by a Muslim if you do not kneel to Islam while U.N. inspectors look on? or the certainty that the U.S. and its willing allies can better protect themselves from Muslim terrorists AND from nuclear proliferation treaties without the U.N.’s help.
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