nutri grain bar in toaster


on indefiniate mod break
I have just stumbled upon perhaps the most awesome idea ever?

I will report back to all of you of how it goes.
∞zo;466537 said:
I have just stumbled upon perhaps the most awesome idea ever?

I will report back to all of you of how it goes.

You have WAAAAAAAAAAAAAY too much time on your hands buddy!
∞zo;466537 said:
I have just stumbled upon perhaps the most awesome idea ever?

I will report back to all of you of how it goes.
This thread is brought to you by the auspices of the ultimate appetizer...

Marijuana. No other explanation is necessary.
∞zo;466643 said:
it was awesome.
Grind, you gotta be careful about doing shit like that. Don't forget the lesson to be learned from what happened to Richard Pryor when he got all burned up. He was at home and wanted to have some cookies and milk but all's he had was a little bit of 2% and some skim milk, so he mixed the two together and when he dipped his cookie in, the shit blew up!!