Nuts in New Hampshire


Well, gosh. I keep waiting for some libertarian type to bring this up but, alas, in vain. If you want something done right I guess you really do have to do it yourself.
CONCORD, N.H. -- A man who holed up in his house with armed supporters while being tried on tax evasion charges was convicted Thursday, along with his wife, of failing to pay federal income taxes for a decade.

Ed Brown has said he will defend himself against capture if necessary.

U.S. Marshal Stephen Monier said Thursday that members of his staff continued talking by telephone with Brown and had no plans to confront him. Brown said he expected federal agents to swarm his property soon.

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Okay, here we go. This guy is clearly trying to provoke an armed confrontation. I expect that he really does believe the line he espouses publicly: that the federal government has no legal right to tax his income. Why doesn't he just strap some explosives to himself and blow up an empty field somewhere?

Yeah, yeah: I know. I have a hard time admiring wannabe martyrs these days though.
I read that this morning and was wondering pretty much the same thing Ornot.
Wonder why the libers are not going to his rescue ?