APP - NY Times fake news

Teflon Don

I'm back baby
We were treated to a great fabrication by the NY Times that Mr. Papadopolous is the one who triggered the phony witch hunt against President Trump regarding alleged Russian collusion.

Let's break down a few facts shall we?

1) If Papadopolous is the one who triggered the probe, then why did it take the FBI so long to interview him? Supposedly he made these comments in May of 2016, yet the FBI didn't interview him until January 2017

2) Nowhere in the Joint Analysis report by Brennan, Clapper and Comey do they mention Papadopoulos. You would think that someone that important to this investigation would be mentioned wouldn't you?

3) If Papadopoulos was the source of the FBI counterintelligence operation in May 2016, then why were they denied their original FISA warrant in June/July 2016?

But, hey I get that the Deep State and the NY Times are trying to run cover for the Clinton/Comey cabal now that Huma's emails have shown Anthony Weiner to have classified information on his laptop. The whole notion of "intent" has no bearing on the mishandling of classified information.

Comey, Clinton and Huma belong behind bars. This is a bogus story meant to distract the uninformed.