There’s so much you and the loony left don’t get about everything Bret. You’ve become irrelevant and a thing of the past.
"It’s been more than nine years since I first denounced Donald Trump as a ‘loudmouth vulgarian appealing to quieter vulgarians.’ I’ve called myself a Never Trump conservative ever since, even when I agreed with his policies from time to time. I also opposed him throughout his run this year," Stephens began his column, "Done With Never Trump," Tuesday.
"Could his second term be as bad as his most fervent critics fear? Yes. Is it time to drop the heavy moralizing and incessant doomsaying that typified so much of the Never Trump movement — and that rendered it politically impotent and frequently obtuse? Yes, please," he conceded.
NYT columnist throws in towel on 'Never Trump' label: We 'never quite got the point' of the MAGA movement
New York Times columnist Bret Stephens appears to be giving up on the "Never Trump" identity he embraced during the first Trump era, realizing that he and his media colleagues missed the mark following the 2024 election."It’s been more than nine years since I first denounced Donald Trump as a ‘loudmouth vulgarian appealing to quieter vulgarians.’ I’ve called myself a Never Trump conservative ever since, even when I agreed with his policies from time to time. I also opposed him throughout his run this year," Stephens began his column, "Done With Never Trump," Tuesday.
"Could his second term be as bad as his most fervent critics fear? Yes. Is it time to drop the heavy moralizing and incessant doomsaying that typified so much of the Never Trump movement — and that rendered it politically impotent and frequently obtuse? Yes, please," he conceded.