Obama admin committed 'the biggest accounting fraud in history'

Buck Tucker

Verified User

In 2010, Democrats “nationalized the market to help pay for Obama Care,” WSJ asserted. “The Congressional Budget Office at the time forecast that eliminating private lenders would save taxpayers $58 billion over 10 years. This estimate was pure fantasy, and now we’re seeing how much.”

Just one of the lies of Osambo, Like, "If you like your Dr you can keep your Dr." And, "If you like your plan you can keep your plan."
Are they comparing the original ACA or the striped down version? The ACA we have now is not the original.

You didn't bother to read the article obviously. It has more to do with the gubmint involved in the student loan scam. Obamacare was mentioned exactly one (1) time in the article.
You didn't bother to read the article obviously. It has more to do with the gubmint involved in the student loan scam. Obamacare was mentioned exactly one (1) time in the article.
I do don’t need to read the article, I asked him a question based on what I read that he quoted from the article, do you care to answer my questions?
I do don’t need to read the article,
Make up your mind. Do you or don't you? I think you do.
I asked him a question based on what I read that he quoted from the article, do you care to answer my questions?
Are they comparing the original ACA or the striped down version? .
They're comparing neither. The article is about a huge accounting fraud committed by nationalizing student loans to pay for shit health insurance..
Make up your mind. Do you or don't you? I think you do.
They're comparing neither. The article is about a huge accounting fraud committed by nationalizing student loans to pay for shit health insurance..

I was having a Trump moment.
And, of course, Barry was the biggest fraud of them all. He was NOT born in the U.S., he's a gay man married to a tranny. And the girls are not HIS children, in the biological sense. He was and is, hideously anti-American and anti-police. He was groomed and mentored by George Soros, the devil incarnate himself. Old Georgie stated back in 1979 that he HATED America and would do what he could to destroy the country. Nice fella to be mentored by. And Killery was SUPPOSED to win in 2016 and carry on the plan to fundamentally change America. Oops, that didn't quite work out.
And, of course, Barry was the biggest fraud of them all. He was NOT born in the U.S., he's a gay man married to a tranny. And the girls are not HIS children, in the biological sense. He was and is, hideously anti-American and anti-police. He was groomed and mentored by George Soros, the devil incarnate himself. Old Georgie stated back in 1979 that he HATED America and would do what he could to destroy the country. Nice fella to be mentored by. And Killery was SUPPOSED to win in 2016 and carry on the plan to fundamentally change America. Oops, that didn't quite work out.

Thanks Alex, tell us now how Obama controlled the weather and caused tornadoes in red States