Mr. Shaman
Crazy Horse * Sitting Bull * Geronimo
The Indians never had a country; those subhumans had a zoo. Kill or be killed, incapable of getting anything out of the continent's abundant resources any more than the other animals did. They were the last of the Neanderthal species, lucking out in escaping for millennia to a fresh start from evolution's rational discrimination against the unfit. Despite the upper-class Whiteys Hating Whiteys anthropological propaganda, these sore losers are nothing but criminal-fugitive gangs from prehistoric Siberia. They should go back there and let Putin take care of them if they won't accept that they have survived long past their expiration date. If they threaten us any more, we will take them off the shelf.
September 28, 2016 - "We’ve all gotten used to presidential candidates making promises that they don’t/can’t keep when they get elected. But no group in American history has been on the receiving end of more broken promises than Native Americans. In the scheme of political campaigns, those issues aren’t usually on anyone’s radar. Perhaps that is why no one payed much attention when candidate Barack Obama made some promises to Native Americans back in 2008.
Attorney General Loretta E. Lynch and Secretary of the Interior Sally Jewell today announced that, as a result of an initiative begun in the summer of this year, the United States has reached settlement with 17 additional tribal governments who alleged that the Department of the Interior and the Department of the Treasury had mismanaged monetary assets and natural resources held in trust by the United States for the benefit of the tribes. With these resolutions, the Obama Administration will have settled the vast majority of the outstanding claims, some dating back more than a century, with more than 100 tribes and totaling over $3.3 billion…
In April 2012, the Justice and Interior Departments announced more than $1 billion in settlements with 41 federally-recognized tribes for similar claims, the result of nearly two years of negotiations, between 2009 and the 2012 announcement, the Departments of Justice and of the Interior had settled with six other tribes. Since April 2012, the United States has reached settlement for claims of 57 additional tribes – including 17 reached after negotiations this summer and early fall – for an additional $1.9 billion, following through on its commitment to bring to an end, honorably and fairly, this protracted litigation that has burdened both the plaintiffs and the United States.
Ending these long-running disputes about the United States’ management of trust funds and non-monetary trust resources will allow the United States and the tribes to move beyond the distrust exacerbated by years of litigation. These settlement agreements represent a significant milestone in the improvement of the United States’ relationship with Indian tribes."