Obama and his Crackberry


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I thought this was pretty good.

A president and his BlackBerry
Wouldn't you love to know what Obama's typing?
By Matt Bai
February 3, 2009

Is a president with a BlackBerry on his belt really just like the rest of us? From the leaked e-mails of Barack Obama:

7:58 a.m.

To: Michelle Obama

From: BHO

In line at Starbucks. Oh wait, they're waving me to the front. Nice. More later.

9:02 a.m.

To: Rahm Emanuel

From: BHO

This meeting will not end. Seriously, look at Boehner. Why so tan? He's from Ohio. What gives?

9:41 a.m.

To: Hillary Clinton

From: BHO

I'm sprawled out on the Oval Office rug, just luxuriating. Thought u'd like to know. LOL.

10:33 a.m.

To: George W. Bush

From: BHO

U were right about the nuke codes gag. Joint Chiefs have zero sense of humor. Your move in online Scrabble, BTW.

12:14 p.m.

To: Michelle Obama

From: BHO

Stuck on Beltway. Oh wait, they're closing it 4 us. Nice. More later.

12:24 p.m.

To: Rick Wagoner

From: BHO

Loving this Caddy limo. But FYI, have u noticed the massive blind spot? Could lose a school bus in there. Never happens in a Honda.

12:57 p.m.

To: Sasha and Malia

From: BHO

I love u both, but for the last time, there ARE no ghosts in the White House. And just BTW, Jimmy Carter is still very much alive.

1:18 p.m.

To: Michelle Obama

From: BHO

In security line at Andrews. Guy with a huge head is getting the full cavity treatment. OMG, it's Larry Summers.

4:41 p.m.

To: Oprah Winfrey

From: BHO

Yes, White House chef can handle, tho not sure how acai fries will taste.

4:59 p.m.

To: Friends of Howard Dean

From: BHO

PLS remove me from this list. I've hit unsubscribe like 80 times.

5:59 p.m.

To: Rahm Emanuel

From: BHO

Dude, who's our Labor sec again? She's here and I cannot for the life of me remember her name.

9:28 p.m.

To: Robert Gates

From: BHO

Watching "24" and it has just gotten so lame. Where'd the FBI get all those toys? U and I both know they couldn't track a nursing home patient to the bathroom.

10:13 p.m.

To: George W. Bush

From: BHO

FYI, "talkation" is not a word. I challenged.

11:24 p.m.

To: Michelle Obama

From: BHO

U coming to bed soon? "Old School" is on HBO again. Will Farrell's about to jog naked.

3:01 a.m.

To: Hillary Clinton

From: BHO

Enuf with the 3 a.m. phone call. It's getting old.
