obama beat up on hillary

if she wins is out of pure fraud.

Funny, I thought they came off as two egomaniacs, and that Edwards won the debate.

So I guess it all depends on perspective Chap, but announcing that if someone wins an election it will mean they did it through fraud, surely shows an open mind.
The only reason these guys on the far-right hate hillary so much is because she is a women. Why not direct that hate at Edwards, who's more left wing? Doesn't make much sense to anyone with sense.
The only reason these guys on the far-right hate hillary so much is because she is a women. Why not direct that hate at Edwards, who's more left wing? Doesn't make much sense to anyone with sense.

Because Hillary isnt really what she appears to be. She's a closet socialist. She's been able to fool most people, with her witchy woman ways, but some of them have resisted her spell.
The only reason these guys on the far-right hate hillary so much is because she is a women. Why not direct that hate at Edwards, who's more left wing? Doesn't make much sense to anyone with sense.

Edwards doesn't have chance. no need.
witchy woman ways
sounds like an insecure spinster to me.

Your sarcasm detector is malfunctioning.

I'll come right out and say it. Of the tree candidates on the D side, Hillary is the most dangerous because she is an Imperialist who is not content with the wars we have going on. She's going to go after Iran. She's a war monger, and I will not support war mongers. The rest of you can go suck cawacko's dick for all I care and spin it how you want. I am NOT voting for a war monger on either side.
Thats utter bullshit from another loser who can't stand to see a woman president.
ANY dem is getting us the fuck out of Iraq and AFghanistan. It's comical seeing people attack this woman. I guess if Obama takes a huge lead the racism card will be out in full force.
Funny, I thought they came off as two egomaniacs, and that Edwards won the debate.

So I guess it all depends on perspective Chap, but announcing that if someone wins an election it will mean they did it through fraud, surely shows an open mind.
Edwards looked too rehearsed and was sidelined for much of the debate. The moderator stank to high heaven and didn't even attempt to keep to topic.

I liked watching them tear each other down like that. But other than that I didn't see anything that we haven't already covered. I thought overall this was the worst debate of the Primary so far.
I'm starting to grow a genuine dislike for the Clintons .. both of them.
I saw this coming. However, Clinton is up at 83% approval among democrats (the President not the Senator) and will remain high throughout. He can withstand this with no problem and it makes the fight two to one. It's like having your VP bulldog at the debate where you have to act more sanguine, except without acting very sanguine...
Thats utter bullshit from another loser who can't stand to see a woman president.
ANY dem is getting us the fuck out of Iraq and AFghanistan. It's comical seeing people attack this woman. I guess if Obama takes a huge lead the racism card will be out in full force.
I thought the plan was to get out of Iraq and to bolster troops in Afghanistan where the "real fight" should be taking place.
I missed it---did Hillery cry again? She loves the victim card--and Obamma is now crying about Billy telling falsehoods.

lol--that is really pretty ironic. Obamma is complaining about a lib dem telling flasehoods to the public.

Who feels like a liberitarian now---Obamma does. lol
I do believe that was the nastiest debate I've ever watched. They were pulling each other's face off. Zowie!
I do believe that was the nastiest debate I've ever watched. They were pulling each other's face off. Zowie!

I understand (on my own) that there is not really a lot of support for their policies--like health care. Who is going to vote for expensive, ill run government helath care----poor people that are a vitim of socialism to begin with. They are easily entertained--and their vote is more important than yours---espically when 30 millinon ilegals are granted citizenship. It must really hard to appeal to a sharp person like youself, and the held down, smack down, poor people (who out number real supporters of the few) at the same time.

Can you agree with that?

The facts, to me, are easy to see when you step back for a better look and filter out the stuff that makes no sense. If your too close to the TV--that is all you will see. It has been proven (I hear) that being too close to the TV will not damage your eyes---but I know it is a huge factor for liberial mental disorders. :)
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