Obama Bill Clinton like


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Saw a video of Obama leaving some building.
He walks over and shake the hand of a security guard, the guard then displays his pearly's.

This reminds me of Bill Clinton, both men highly educated but have the abilty to connect with the noble little guy.
As opposed to either Bush wincing as he kisses the little black baby.
He's gaining ground im my book and is a forced to be wreckoned with at the very least.
I like Obama more and more the more I know about him.

I saw a thing on C-SPAN last night with his wife, I like her also... but I dont think she will go over well with the American people because she is really black, I mean she is not light skinned like Obama, she is really black and I think lots of Americans will have a problem with that.
Saw a video of Obama leaving some building.
He walks over and shake the hand of a security guard, the guard then displays his pearly's.

This reminds me of Bill Clinton, both men highly educated but have the abilty to connect with the noble little guy.
As opposed to either Bush wincing as he kisses the little black baby.
He's gaining ground im my book and is a forced to be wreckoned with at the very least.

Have you seen his wife talk, Michelle Obama?

She was on Cspan last night, at a New Hampshire town hall meeting. She is amazing. Way intelligent, way articulate, and really, really funny. Very natural, and genuine. I mean, she was more intelligent, articulate, funny, and genuine sounding than almost any US Senator I've seen.
She's very attractive to boot.

Okay, she's attractive. But, that wasn't my point.

This lady has an amazing life story. And she has charisma, humour, and intelligence that outshines almost any US Senator I've ever seen.

She grew up fairly poor on the south side of Chicago, went to chicago public shools, got into Princeton, and then got into Harvard Law school. And went on to a great career as a succesful lawyer. I was spellbound listening to her tell her story. She has a real gift, few people have - the whole package: charisma, intelligence, humour, and articulateness.

Honestly, I like listening to this gal speak, than almost all the other presidential contenders.
Have you seen his wife talk, Michelle Obama?

She was on Cspan last night, at a New Hampshire town hall meeting. She is amazing. Way intelligent, way articulate, and really, really funny. Very natural, and genuine. I mean, she was more intelligent, articulate, funny, and genuine sounding than almost any US Senator I've seen.

Yup she is great, but she looks VERY black and lots of people, especally southerners will not like that. THey may not admit it, but they have some sort of emotional reaction to it, they immideatly think "low class".

I lived in Alabama for four years, many will start imagining her sleeping at the White House, and her corse hair on a pillow or somthing and wont want to vote for them. I personally think of her as an asset and she makes me more likely to vote for Obama... I am just pointing out what I belive many will feel when they see her for the first time.