Obama considers presidential run


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Sen. Barack Obama said Sunday that he may run for president in 2008, despite previous assertions that he would complete his current six-year senatorial term, which ends in 2011.</img>

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I hope he runs... It would be great and I do think he is one of the few that can wrest the nomination away from Senator Clinton if she decideds to compete for it!
He looks nice and talks a good rap. What more do you need? He is an excellent dem canidate, all front and no substance.
Did you see the huge suck Obama piece in Time mag? LOL He was on the cover no less asking is he the next president?

>>The current Obama mania is reminiscent of the Colin Powell mania of September 1995, when the general -- another political rainbow -- leveraged speculation that he might run for president into book sales of 2.6 million copies for his memoir, My American Journey.

Powell and Obama have another thing in common: They are black people who -- like Tiger Woods, Oprah Winfrey and Michael Jordan -- seem to have an iconic power over the American imagination because they transcend racial stereotypes.

"It's all about gratitude," says essayist Shelby Steele, who frequently writes about the psychology of race. "White people are just thrilled when a prominent black person comes along and doesn't rub their noses in racial guilt. White people just go crazy over people like that."

When I asked Obama about this, he began to answer before I finished the question.

"There's a core decency to the American people that doesn't get enough attention," he said. "Figures like Oprah, Tiger, Michael Jordan give people a shortcut to express their better instincts. You can be cynical about this. You can say, It's easy to love Oprah. It's harder to embrace the idea of putting more resources into opportunities for young black men -- some of whom aren't so lovable.

I highly recommend it!

Where he has been and what he has been through give he a great deal of skill, knowledge and experience to be our president.
What are some of his positions on the hot issues?

The War?
Stem Cell research?
Affirmative Action?