Obama doesn’t believe Kamala Harris can beat Trump, which is why he hasn’t endorsed her

But you don't think Trump is politically extreme??? :rofl2:
Trump is Right of Center, but no, he's not politically extreme. For the Left (you), yes, Trump is politically extreme, but that's because you have a skewed view of the political spectrum and no basis of quantification on which you base your views.
Trump is Right of Center, but no, he's not politically extreme. For the Left (you), yes, Trump is politically extreme, but that's because you have a skewed view of the political spectrum and no basis of quantification on which you base your views.

That was about the level of meandering, meaningless right-wing double speak bullshit I was expecting out of you.
That was about the level of meandering, meaningless right-wing double speak bullshit I was expecting out of you.
I unlike you can make rough, quantified, definitions of what is Left, Center, and Right. You're in the "I know it when I see it" category.
Former president Barack Obama hasn’t endorsed Kamala Harris’ presidential bid because he doesn’t think she can beat Donald Trump, according to a source close to the Biden family.

Trumpers have shown it is nearly impossible for them to believe what they don't want to believe. If there was ever a proof of this it is their absurd "Stolen Election".

This is one more case of the affliction. Obama, seeing himself as the guru of The Democratic Party, is being strategic in waiting. The endorsement is about to cap the campaign.

Trumpers have shown it is nearly impossible for them to believe what they don't want to believe. If there was ever a proof of this it is their absurd "Stolen Election".

This is one more case of the affliction. Obama, seeing himself as the guru of The Democratic Party, is being strategic in waiting. The endorsement is about to cap the campaign.

So Obama cares nothing about the future for his family or country? If he actually has this "close personal relationship" with Kam, he could never endorse her with a clear conscience... But then, perhaps that not important either...
So Obama cares nothing about the future for his family or country? If he actually has this "close personal relationship" with Kam, he could never endorse her with a clear conscience... But then, perhaps that not important either...
Please wake up. If you thought about this you would realize Biden certainly discussed his VP choice with Obama before he ran, and that she wouldn't have been chosen if either of them believed she wasn't qualified.
Please wake up. If you thought about this you would realize Biden certainly discussed his VP choice with Obama before he ran, and that she wouldn't have been chosen if either of them believed she wasn't qualified.
But she wasn't qualified...and she was chosen...Joe even told us why...
And she has proved over and over that DEI hires just aren't the way to go... You seem reasonable...why would she be a good (or even acceptable) choice to protect, defend, and support the greatest country in the world?
People know her type...she's thinks and says outrageous, ridiculous things...Her policies are just thrown out on the fly...she has Joe's baggage and a ton of her own...
Is that the country you want for your family?
Sorority over country...good grief...
Trump is Right of Center, but no, he's not politically extreme. For the Left (you), yes, Trump is politically extreme, but that's because you have a skewed view of the political spectrum and no basis of quantification on which you base your views.
So, explain exactly what is your "basis of quantification".

But first, explain what you think that even is with regard to political philosophy.

Given that quantification involves numerical data, I'm interested in hearing how you think you can apply a numerical scale to personal beliefs, etc.

This should be good.
I unlike you can make rough, quantified, definitions of what is Left, Center, and Right. You're in the "I know it when I see it" category.
So go ahead.

Tell us what quantitative, numerical system you employ to make your supposed "quantified definitions" of socio-political philosophies.

Because seriously, I don't think you've got the slightest idea of what you're flapping your lips about.

Just the usual right-wing bloviation and bullshit.