Obama Fades Away As Trump Laughs At His Enemies


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"Obama Fades Away As Trump Laughs At His Enemies

Kurt Schlichter
Posted: Jan 16, 2017 12:01 AM"

This is a fun read fer Cornservatives or even those farther Left who voted fer the Dumpster; here is the last paragraph:

"So, as President Feckless packs his junk and goes away, he leaves a smoldering ruin of a party, an elite fearfully clutching at its fading power, and the potential for splitting the country in two. His legacy of failure and his contempt for normal Americans has ensured that in his place will be a president committed to ruthless conservative change and who won’t sit back and just passively suck up attacks from the cultural hacks. Donald Trump and a conservative Supreme Court are your legacy, Barack Obama. Good riddance, and welcome aboard the solar-powered high-speed rail express train to Karmatown."


Click on the link and enjoy havein' a good laugh... burp...
it is a good thing for barack to be living so close to where he will hopefully be called to testify against himself in explaining his many treasons. good riddance to that dirty bastard.
Trump will nuke them if (when) the GOP nincompoops in the Congress try to shaft GOP voters to make their tax reform dreams come true by eliminating the home mortgage, state tax, and charitable deductions. These deductions, of course, benefit mostly normals, people who work and save and give to charity. You know, people like us.
That's why I quit the republican party years ago. They left me, I didn't leave them.
I'm optimistic about Trump. He seems to represent normal people and normal people have become more and more politically incorrect as our numbers dwindle.
That's why I quit the republican party years ago. They left me, I didn't leave them.
I'm optimistic about Trump. He seems to represent normal people and normal people have become more and more politically incorrect as our numbers dwindle.

I'm not sure about the numbers dwindling.

The shrieking Liberal Left is more noticeable, but the folks who watch what's happening are still watching.

If the folks condemned to live in Mom's basement or drive that 1998 Taurus with the driver's side mirror hanging loose or the guy working 3 jobs to make it are still in the same situation in 2020, trump's gone.

If these folks have found and taken decent jobs that allow them to move out, get a good car or work just one job, they will show their thanks in the next election.

Trump's not the Sham-Wow sales guy that Obama was. He speaks like a New York Street Brawler and has just about that much deceptiveness.

Do you want to know what he wants to do? Listen to him.

Do you want to know what Obama and the rest of the Dems want? Check the gust list at their fund raisers.