Obama gets beefed-up protection


Abreast of the situations
MANCHESTER, N.H. — Secret Service presence has increased for Sen. Barack Obama since his dramatic win in Iowa, amid fears over the safety of the man seeking to become America's first black president.

The Illinois senator's security now rivals that of President Bush, with a dozen Secret Service agents wearing dark suits and earpieces leading bomb-sniffing dogs through event venues, sweeping all equipment brought by journalists and flanking the candidate as he plunges into crowds of supporters.

"For many black supporters, there is a lot of anxiety that he will be killed, and it is on people's minds," said Melissa Harris-Lacewell, a Princeton University professor of political science and contemporary black culture.

"You can't make a prediction like this — like he has 'a 50 percent chance of getting shot.' But the greater his visibility and the greater his access to people, there is a danger," she said.

Another black presidential candidate, Jesse Jackson, drew Secret Service protection because of violent threats during his campaigns in the 1980s. And former Secretary of State Colin L. Powell ruled out a presidential run in part because his wife expressed fears he would be assassinated.

Mr. Obama, who reportedly resisted asking for Secret Service protection but personally requested a detail of agents after friends insisted, has been under federal watch since early last year. No one will say whether he has received an explicit death threat — his campaign said yesterday only that "we don't comment on security" — but officials have tracked racist chatter on white-supremacist Web sites.

The Internet is rife with theories that someone may try to assassinate the senator — typing into Google "assassinate Obama" brings up more than 2,000 hits. Anyone from Islamist terrorists to racist Americans to operatives of Halliburton and Blackwater are speculated about, but other, more nefarious Web sites are for real, according to reports from the Associated Press.

At his first morning event yesterday, at least a dozen plainclothes Secret Service agents, most with yellow pins on their lapels, stood guard in and around the Palace Theater, and, unlike other candidates touring the state, uniformed police were also on hand. The theater was emptied early so bomb-detecting dogs could sweep through, and journalists covering the event were corralled for inspection.

"Just put all your equipment down, leave the room, and close the door," one agent barked as another agent paced the hallway with a bomb-detection dog. Known as a "sweep" on the White House beat, the media did as told, allowing agents to rustle through their computer bags and turn on electronic equipment to make sure it was real.

Only Mrs. Clinton, who is entitled to protection as a former first lady, and Mr. Obama have Secret Service details. Mr. Obama was given Secret Service protection far earlier in the campaign than any previous candidate following worries about racist threats, federal officials said.

For instance, both Sen. John Edwards and Sen. John Kerry, two Democratic presidential candidates last election, were given Secret Service protection in February 2004, after the Iowa caucuses and New Hampshire primary.

There were more agents in the theater yesterday, some undercover, some wearing temporary pins. Reporters who have covered the candidate for months said the increase in security was obvious.

But Secret Service agents have been blanketing the candidate for some time. At an event last month in Manchester, agents ordered people to step down from the chairs they were standing on to take photographs.

"We can't have them that high," one agent was heard to say. Agents surrounded the candidate as he worked a rope line, just as they do for President Bush.

While there were no metal detectors at yesterday's event, some guests with bags were checked as they entered. And while no helicopter hovered overhead, no sharpshooters eyed the streets from building tops and no black SUV stood nearby, packed with heavily armed agents — three signs the president is in the area — agents yesterday were anxious and very low on patience.

As Mr. Obama was 90 minutes late for the event, a couple of photographers stepped out a side door for a smoke. They were immediately ordered back into the theater by agents. Inside, one photographer was told he could not even carry a cup of coffee in the theater.

Photographers have long complained about the aggressive tactics of Mr. Obama's protectors, saying they flank him at every stop, making photographs difficult. Some say they have been strong-armed by agents, pushed out of prime picture perches for security reasons.

The senator's prospects and popularity are rising quickly, creating new problems for his security detail. On Friday, hundreds of people gathered to see Mr. Obama went into a frenzy even before he came into the room, chanting the senator's signature phrase: "Fired up! Ready to go!"

An event organizer then said over a loudspeaker: "Ladies and gentleman, for security seasons, please take your seats."

• Brian DeBose and Christina Bellantoni contributed to this report.
Come on this isnt 1960. isn't it more likely someone like Romney is shot dead from a religious fanatic? How about Lieberman... hes Jewish.. did he have security like this?
"The Internet is rife with theories that someone may try to assassinate the senator — typing into Google "assassinate Obama" brings up more than 2,000 hits. Anyone from Islamist terrorists to racist Americans to operatives of Halliburton and Blackwater are speculated about, but other, more nefarious Web sites are for real, according to reports from the Associated Press."

Yeah, most of that is BS, but the white supremacists sites are for real and so are a certain percentage of the people who traffic them. They scare me too. I think it's the one thing we haven't talked about on this board. I think that people are afraid to bring it up. Can a black man be inaugurated in this country? I don't ask that in the context of, well if you think he can't be, you shouldn't vote for him in the primary. You should vote for him. But, I'm a little unsure myself of what is going to happen afterwards. There's hate and then there is hate. I hate george bush, always have. Hate. I have no problem using the word.

But I am not violent. Can the same be said of white supremacists?
I think Obama could be shot. I don't discount the possibility that some Ron Paul supporter....er, Stormfront supporters, could want to kill him.

(j/k about ron paul)
Come on this isnt 1960. isn't it more likely someone like Romney is shot dead from a religious fanatic? How about Lieberman... hes Jewish.. did he have security like this?

No it's not more likely that Romney would be shot by a religious fanatic. When was the last time a Mormon was tied to a jeep and dragged to death in this country? because I can tell you the last time a black man was.

And it wasn't nowhere near 1960.

It was in 1998, in Texas.
If he gets assassinated it will be the biggest thing since JFK.

This guys going to be our next president.
I think this is why many people were not expressing their backing of Obamma.

I have to admitt I was not sure if Americans were ready in big enough number to elelct a black president. I also remember feeling I knew why Colon Powells wife did not want him to run. I bet there are many nut bags who would like to kill Obamma. There are probably more who would like to kill Clinton though.

Thisman needs all the protection he can get. Do you want a Bhoutto situation here?
This is the one thing that does scare me a little bit. There are always forces out there who - beyond even racism - seem determined to stop any candidacy that represents real hope & real change. Bobby Kennedy comes to mind.

Just on racism alone, I remember when Jesse Jackson was running for President, they uncovered a plot to assassinate him & arrested the suspects. One of them said he was "too darned close to becoming President," or something to that effect. And he wasn't even close to winning a primary.

I support as much protection for Obama as possible.
Yeah they will kill anyone who looks like they may change the powere structure. Its not just because hes black but also that like Edwards he is talking about taking the coutnry back for the people. That is why they couldnt let the Kennedys live. Chappaquidick is the only reason Teddy is alive. They knew he could never run.
I think this is why many people were not expressing their backing of Obamma.

I have to admitt I was not sure if Americans were ready in big enough number to elelct a black president. I also remember feeling I knew why Colon Powells wife did not want him to run. I bet there are many nut bags who would like to kill Obamma. There are probably more who would like to kill Clinton though.

Thisman needs all the protection he can get. Do you want a Bhoutto situation here?

I think Americans are most definitely willing to elect a black President. As they are a woman President. The majority in this country do not care about gender/race.... they just want effective leadership.

That said, the very small minority of racist bastards that would think about violence are still out there and I think this beefed up security for Obama is justified. The closer he gets to the White House, the more some idiots are going to think about eliminating the "threat" to their idiotic beliefs of racial superiority.
The sort of people that frequent and post supportive threads at Stormfront are JUST the type of people who would take a shot at Obama. There was a special on THe History Channel this weekend on the birth of the KKK. They started the filming the at a rally of kluckers that took place sometime in the very recent past. All they could scream about was hating jews and hating niggers and hating spicks. One of the guys praised "Dynamite" Bob Chambliss the man that was convicted of the church bombing that killed the 4 little girls in Birmingham. They praised his believe in using Bombs bricks and bullets to put an end to the civil rights movement. There are a danger and they are close to being a terrorist organization right here in the US. I am glad they have stepped up security for Obama because it is this sort of RoHoWa White Pride World Wide individuals that will engage in violence to put an end to his bid to be president.
A black candidate is a profoundly different propostion, than a mormon, woman, or jewish candidate.

Here, the rightwing National Review, imagines that "certain people" (translation: those darkies) will riot if obama loses.

Fear of a black man is just so much more prevalent, and deeply rooted, than fear of mormons or jews. No one would suggest that mormons or jews will riot if one of their own is not elected.

And the latent "fear" of blacks, is exactly what makes the risk to Obama so much greater, and the need for more security more justified.

JONAH GOLBERG: This is just a late Friday night prediction. ....

Imagine the Democrats do rally around Obama. Imagine the media invests as heavily in him as I think we all know they will if he's the nominee — and then imagine he loses. I seriously think certain segments of American political life will become completely unhinged. I can imagine the fear of this social unraveling actually aiding Obama enormously in 2008. Forget Hillary's inevitability. Obama has a rendezvous with destiny, or so we will be told. And if he's denied it, teeth shall be gnashed, clothes rent and prices paid.

National Review
