Obama has 8 point lead on McCain

What this really shows is that support for McCain is precarious at best. Now that Obama has focused on McCain and says sweet nothings about what a great politician and person Hillary is, his numbers are starting to firm up. Lots of people have been talking about this election being 1968 all over again, they may be right, in that Obama generates the same sort of excitment that RFK started to generate. Lets just hope that the Secret Service is on their A game.
Darla has assured me through her inside channels that President O's SS agents adore the family and would do everything possible to secure their safety.

Its really helping me sleep at night frankly

If someone assasinated Obama I would believe in the death penalty again. Even if they were a retarded schizophrenic fourteen year old.
Rasmussen has McCain at a one point edge. Which is a more recent result and more reliable than Zogby (which can be said for damn near every poll out there).

Overall this is going to come down to.... Which states can Obama win that Kerry did not? As well as "Are there any states that Kerry won that are vulnerable under Obama?"
Remember RFK did not have Secret Service protection. It was his assassination that led to the requirement of Secret Service protection for candidates. IF it was a body guard that killed RFK it was one of his own privately hired Body guards.
If they do a hit on Obama this country will explode. The people that would do it dont care about that though.
McCain is a lackluster candidate who can't rally his base, and is running on a basic platform of "more of the same" at a time when 2/3 of the country thinks we're on the wrong track.

He's toast. The only thing that will save him is a revelation about Obama that is much worse than Wright or Ayers; maybe if they had film of him helping Ayers plant bombs somewhere. Otherwise, we're looking at a fairly blue map in November.
What this really shows is that support for McCain is precarious at best. Now that Obama has focused on McCain and says sweet nothings about what a great politician and person Hillary is, his numbers are starting to firm up. Lots of people have been talking about this election being 1968 all over again, they may be right, in that Obama generates the same sort of excitment that RFK started to generate. Lets just hope that the Secret Service is on their A game.

To an extent I agree. Though I do not trust a Zogby poll anymore. However, McCain will also now be getting back into the spot light with his ideas and policies. A convenient fact many seem to forget is that when out of the spotlight a candidate will see a natural trend down in polling numbers (out of sight, out of mind)

All these diatribes about Obama are akin to all the hoopala about RP...He may win the Democratic primary and will go against McCain..that is if Hillary doesn't do him in...either way he won't win the General...we are not, nor in the forceable future ready for a Socialist President!
All these diatribes about Obama are akin to all the hoopala about RP...He may win the Democratic primary and will go against McCain..that is if Hillary doesn't do him in...either way he won't win the General...we are not, nor in the forceable future ready for a Socialist President!

I'm not certain the SP is running a candidate this year. They're not usually on the ballot in many states, in any case.
Florida will be interesting to me. Obams may need to choose Senator Nelson to win this state. McCain is very popular here and the "he is too old to govern" argument strikes resentment in many a Florida voters who are older than McCain.

Obama and McCain are in the state this week campaigning.
This Barack Hussein Muhammed Obama won't be getting my vote. I don't vote for people with more than three names. Mines going to Barack Hussein Obama.

Ya, Ill vote for Barack Hussein Obama over that Barak Hussein Muhammed Obama. I dont think America is ready for a Muslam president.
LMAO...@jarod and waterbaby...again

Ya, Ill vote for Barack Hussein Obama over that Barak Hussein Muhammed Obama. I dont think America is ready for a Muslam president.

That is Baracks full name...he does have all four...try to keep up with the real facts!
CPUSA is running Barack Hussein Muhammad Obama...ask his wife!

Man oh man do these types have nothing left to defend their complete inability to judge who would make a good president.

Im sure we will see some domestic terrorism from some of these nutballs in the coming years.
Yes I do...

Man oh man do these types have nothing left to defend their complete inability to judge who would make a good president.

Im sure we will see some domestic terrorism from some of these nutballs in the coming years.

and domestic terrorism will come from the Obama camp in the future! He and his wife do socialize with them...get a grip Ms.I think I can...'yes we can' moron!

and while you are at it take another hit on your bong and listen to 1950's Jazz while you tye dye another T shirt...you are failing miserably at political science 101..Obama is regurgitated SDS all the way!
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