APP - Obama keeps setting records II


Reagan, Clinton and Bush Jr created a mess that has taken President Obama several years to rectify. Given republican opposition to every policy change that helped create jobs it is an amazing accomplishment. A list of his accomps are below. The right wing in America which consists of republicans, conservatives and many libertarians have never accomplished a single thing that has helped all Americans. That fact has never been disputed because it cannot be. Hopefully the Hillary v Trump election will remove many of the useless republicans from the House and senate and America can once more move forward. Go Hillary. Whiners will always whine, real Americans accomplish things.

President Obama Has Done A Lot! A List Of 350 Accomplishments So Far, With Citations

In 2008, we elected the most progressive president in history. And regardless of the negativity, when you actually look at the record, there has been a lot of progress since January 20, 2009.