Obama Legalized Deep State Propaganda against citizens


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  1. checkyourfact.com

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    FACT CHECK: Did Barack Obama Sign A Law That Allows The Media To ...

    https://checkyourfact.com › 2020 › 10 › 29 › fact-check-barack-obama-law-media-purposely-lie-american-people
    "Thanks to Obama, it is perfectly legal for the media to purposely lie to the American people," reads the text inside the image. "He quietly signed into law HR 4310 in 2012, allowing propaganda to be used on the citizens of the USA by its own government, essentially repealing the Smith-Mundt act of 1948, banning the use of domestic ...
  2. foreignpolicy.com

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    U.S. Repeals Propaganda Ban, Spreads Government-Made News to Americans

    https://foreignpolicy.com › 2013 › 07 › 14 › u-s-repeals-propaganda-ban-spreads-government-made-news-to-americans
    In fact, as amended in 1987, the act only covers portions of the State Department engaged in public diplomacy abroad (i.e. the public diplomacy section of the "R" bureau, and the Broadcasting ...
  3. businessinsider.com

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    NDAA Legalizes Propaganda - Business Insider

    https://www.businessinsider.com › ndaa-legalizes-propaganda-2012-5?op=1
    The newest version of the National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA) includes an amendment that would legalize the use of propaganda on the American public, reports Michael Hastings of BuzzFeed.
  4. politifact.com

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    Obama didn't make it legal for the media to 'purposely lie'

    https://www.politifact.com › factchecks › 2019 › aug › 23 › facebook-posts › no-obama-didnt-make-it-legal-media-outlets-purpose
    Says President Barack Obama made it "legal" for the media to "purposely lie" to the public when he "quietly signed into law HR 4310 in 2012."
  5. theverge.com

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    The Pentagon has ordered a review of US psyops on social media

    https://www.theverge.com › 2022 › 9 › 19 › 23360688 › pentagon-review-military-influence-operations-social-media
    Pentagon officials have ordered a sweeping review of US information warfare operations conducted through social media platforms, The Washington Post reports, after Twitter and Meta both identified ...
  6. apnews.com

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    Obama did not sign a law allowing propaganda in the U.S.

    https://apnews.com › article › archive-fact-checking-7064410002
    CLAIM: Former President Barack Obama signed a law in 2012 allowing government propaganda in the U.S., and making it "perfectly legal for the media to purposely lie to the American people." AP'S ASSESSMENT: False.
  7. theatlantic.com

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    Americans Finally Have Access to American Propaganda

    https://www.theatlantic.com › politics › archive › 2013 › 07 › americans-finally-have-access-american-propaganda › 313305
    A law went into effect this month that ends the ban on U.S. government-made propaganda from being broadcast to Americans. In a remarkably creative spin, the supporters of this law say that ...
  8. factcheck.org

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    Obama Didn't Authorize 'Lying' by the Media - FactCheck.org

    https://www.factcheck.org › 2019 › 10 › obama-didnt-authorize-lying-by-the-media
    Obama signed H.R. 4310, or the National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2013, in January 2013, but nothing in that bill applies to what private media organizations in the U.S. are ...
  9. politifact.com

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    No, this Obama-era law didn't legalize propaganda and lead to Walz ...

    https://www.politifact.com › factchecks › 2024 › aug › 15 › instagram-posts › no-this-obama-era-law-didnt-legalize-propaganda-an
    Aug 13, 2024PolitiFact,No, Obama didn't make it legal for media outlets to 'purposely lie' to the American public, Aug. 23, 2019 Congress.gov, H.R.4310 - National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal ...
  10. latimes.com

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    Obama argues unregulated social media is a threat to democracy, calls ...

    https://www.latimes.com › entertainment-arts › story › 2022-04-21 › la-ent-obama-disinformation-stanford
    Apr 22, 2022Since Obama left the White House in 2017, politicians, policy experts, journalists and tech figures have become increasingly focused on concepts like "misinformation" (information that happens ...

    Can’t find w​

There you go. Was I correct for all these years calling Obama the Trojan Horse President?
I say YES 100%.