Obama sets a good example


GOOOOD example.
so friggen what? the dude gets a flu shot..

I wonder if the media will tell us if he got the shot in his arm or his ass?:palm:
I have no problem with vaccination and caution in the face of disease. I do think that obsessive fear of H1N1 is taking things way too far. Between college administrations creating H1N1 Taskforces and the military behaving likewise, I have seen too much. Luckily, the noise level seems to have gone down of late.
I have no problem with vaccination and caution in the face of disease. I do think that obsessive fear of H1N1 is taking things way too far. Between college administrations creating H1N1 Taskforces and the military behaving likewise, I have seen too much. Luckily, the noise level seems to have gone down of late.

H1N1 should be taken in proportion to the harm. What is disgusting are people like Capt, who need to kill themselves for calling thousands of dead men and women a "joke". He must masturbate to Jeffrey Dahmer's exploits.
H1N1 should be taken in proportion to the harm. What is disgusting are people like Capt, who need to kill themselves for calling thousands of dead men and women a "joke". He must masturbate to Jeffrey Dahmer's exploits.

oh my the drama is getting funnier and funnier..kinda like watching Chrissy (thingles) Matthews, Keithy (the big headed mouth) and a few other lefties meltdown on live t.v.
H1N1 should be taken in proportion to the harm. What is disgusting are people like Capt, who need to kill themselves for calling thousands of dead men and women a "joke". He must masturbate to Jeffrey Dahmer's exploits.

Get over yourself. H1N1 is LESS deadly than the regular flu. Same with SARS. All it is is sensationalism. I have no problem with the vaccine itself, I DO have a problem with all the hype it is getting when the survival rate is somewhere around 90%. That's what the joke is you overreacting, underachieving, trendy little fuck.
Get over yourself. H1N1 is LESS deadly than the regular flu. Same with SARS. All it is is sensationalism. I have no problem with the vaccine itself, I DO have a problem with all the hype it is getting when the survival rate is somewhere around 90%. That's what the joke is you overreacting, underachieving, trendy little fuck.
Successful Troll is Successful.