Obama to reinstitute prayer in schools if elected !

the right will say anything .

Lie , lie , lie and never have any twinge of guilt about their lies.

Its why your party is in the toilet.
I am going to go and vote for Obama tomorrow. I think muslim kids praying in school might teach a bit of tolerance.
As a government we cannot favor any one religion. That is clear in the constitution.And the one nation under God thing, well Allah and God are the same thing, both the god of Abraham.
What about Budda? Or does he not count because his followers are a bunch of rabble-rousers causing trouble in Tibet for the esteemed and illustrious Chinese govt?
What about Budda? Or does he not count because his followers are a bunch of rabble-rousers causing trouble in Tibet for the esteemed and illustrious Chinese govt?
You don't pray to Buddha. That's like praying to yourself.
As a government we cannot favor any one religion. That is clear in the constitution.And the one nation under God thing, well Allah and God are the same thing, both the god of Abraham.

but it is any form of intolerance acceptable if it goes under the guise of religion? For instance, must we accept decapitation gracefully if islamists do it under the banner of religious protection? What if my religion includes child rape? Still ok?
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but it is any form of intolerance acceptable if it goes under the guise of religion? For instance, must we accept decapitation gracefully if islamists do it under the banner of religious protection? What if my religion includes child rape? Still ok?

Obviously no retard.

Mormons can't practice polygamy.
but it is any form of intolerance acceptable if it goes under the guise of religion? For instance, must we accept decapitation gracefully if islamists do it under the banner of religious protection? What if my religion includes child rape? Still ok?

what they do in another country is not my business. We are one of the few countries in the world with a death penalty. The method matters little. Killing someone cannot be civilized.
USC, you should lecture murderers and rapists about civilization. I consider their actions to be a personal and official renouncement of their humanity. It is not for the guilty that I stay my hand in opposing the death penalty, but for the innocent few and the taxpaying citizens. Your priorities are whacked, and your rhetoric is sickening. It makes me feel uncomfortable to be in agreement with you, that the death penalty must go. Its like knowing that anti-semites agree with me that US foreign policy is too pro-Israel.
USC, you should lecture murderers and rapists about civilization. I consider their actions to be a personal and official renouncement of their humanity. It is not for the guilty that I stay my hand in opposing the death penalty, but for the innocent few and the taxpaying citizens. Your priorities are whacked, and your rhetoric is sickening. It makes me feel uncomfortable to be in agreement with you, that the death penalty must go. Its like knowing that anti-semites agree with me that US foreign policy is too pro-Israel.

It's impossible to renounce your humanity. That doesn't even make sense.

One of the greatest successes of the conservative rape of America was making anyone with compassion and an ability to feel beyond his limited presence on the Earth more evil than a rapist or a murderer. Used to, this was thought of as naive at worst, but not evil. Now it is evil. Congratulations. You have won the war, may we become the next Rome soon.
There have been numerous times whenever I have been so disgusted by someones actions that I screamed out that they should die, but I've always calmed down, and said at the end of the day, I don't really think another death is going to be constructive. I'm not going to lower myself to the level a murderer.

That little element of humanity is gone from people who support the death penalty.
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Why do you think Americas murder rate is so high? A nation where its considered evil to dislike killing peoples is chock full of inhumane murders in any case.

I should probably go to bed. Threedee has aroused the little angry emo in me for a tad bit. When I wake up in the morning, I will have calmed down, and can resume indifference.
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I, of course, have never known anyone who was murdered or raped, so the anger does subside after I initially hear of it. Also, difference in terms between "homo-sapien" (biological) and "humanity" (social construct), fyi, like gender and sex.

On the other hand, I would have had an aunt named Myra, had she not been murdered on my mom's 9th birthday back in 1965... Amazingly strong and witty family on her side though, and you'd never know such a thing had ever happened.
I would've had a cousin named Billy Joe had he not died of Leukemia. I do not seek vengeance on nature. I'd like a cure, so that the problem would go away.

The problem of murder in our society neither began with the murderer nor will it end once he is killed. It's a lot deeper than that and by concentrating all of your wrath on the one person whos chemical system went way out of balance at one point in time you aren't solving anything. Murderers have been executed since the beginning of time, we still have murder, therefore, execution is not a cure at all, nor will it ever pretend to be.