APP - Obamacare plan right on track


I have said repeatedly that Obamacare was never designed to work. Obama has told us in his own words that he supports single payor but that you need to unravel employer paid insurance and you can't do that right away.

No, this is going according to plan. Create chaos in the system and soon he will come out and say "This is unworkable. I never really wanted this. I always wanted the public option, but this was all I could get through Congress". And then the push for single payor begins because people will be scared of losing what they have.

The right will mistakenly believe that the proles will blame Obama and the democrats, but they will, as they always do blame insurance companies etc.

So what is the fix? Simple, as always the fix is the free market. Get the government out of the business of paying for ANY healthcare and let the free market work its magic.

How would that work you might ask? Simple, like it worked long before Teddy Kennedy brought us HMOs. Individuals and families would buy catastrophic insurance coverage to cover events that could potentially bankrupt them. For everything else, they would pay cash. You would eliminate all of the paperwork. You would see costs come down because the actual consumer of healthcare would be paying the bills. There would be more transparency.

Oh, but people couldn't afford it. Nonsense. People insure their homes at values of upwards of $300,000 for less than $1,000 a year. The same principle applies. Insurance is protection against an improbable event.