Obamacare sign-ups increase this year under tRump.

Were these sign ups for policies or for expanded Medicaid? Since unemployment is way up...

If it's the later it is people going on what amounts to the public dole for medical coverage rather than people choosing an Obamacare policy from a private insurer.
tRump= the best example of presidential incompetence since Herbert Hoover.

Soon his school records will be linked & lots of other things he has been able to keep hiden....

His fans are in for a real ride pain train to oblivion............
Were these sign ups for policies or for expanded Medicaid? Since unemployment is way up...

If it's the later it is people going on what amounts to the public dole for medical coverage rather than people choosing an Obamacare policy from a private insurer.

Do you mean the unemployment rise as a DIRECT result of tRump's Covid handling incompetence? That was a rhetorical question.....lol
Soon his school records will be linked & lots of other things he has been able to keep hiden....

His fans are in for a real ride pain train to oblivion............

tRumpanzees are not ignorant. They are simply the most stupid among us.
Do you mean the unemployment rise as a DIRECT result of tRump's Covid handling incompetence? That was a rhetorical question.....lol

No, it's an ignorant question. How many state lockdowns did Trump order? What mishandling of Chinese Ordered Virus Intended for Death did he make? Was it the travel bans he was pilloried for?
No, it's an ignorant question. How many state lockdowns did Trump order? What mishandling of Chinese Ordered Virus Intended for Death did he make? Was it the travel bans he was pilloried for?

The only ignorant component in this discussion is tRumptards that are
incapable of thinking anything other than what their perverted "master" tells them to think.

The bottom line us that tRump's insane jealousy of Obama likely cost tens of thousands of lives.
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