Obamamania Is Over

Americans are waking up to the fact that obama is a muslim and not a u.s. citizen.
never noticed that either...
newguy here - hello

Welcome to Bedlam. Don't take insults too seriously and understand that there are lots of "experts" here, and you'll have fun.

Its a good spot.
It's not just for bumper stickers:


‘I’m Maureen Dowd, and I’ve Been Had’
Posted By Jennifer Rubin On March 4, 2009 @ 5:54 am In . Column1 03, Media, Politics * 127 Comments

They may need a support group before the month is out. They could gather in New York or Washington where many victims reside. The meetings would start: “I’m Maureen [or David]. I’m a duped Barack voter. And I’m mad.”

The ranks indeed are filling with the disaffected and the disappointed — Chris Buckley, Maureen Dowd, David Brooks, David Gergen, and even that gynecological sleuth and blogger Andrew Sullivan. And then there is the very angry Marty Peretz. Their complaints are varied but expressed with equal amounts of remorse and bitterness. They all have been done wrong by Barack....


...All in all it is one dismayed and bitter group, filled with recriminations and a bit of self-flagellation. And it’s not hard to recognize that, as in any grieving process, they have passed through denial (when all who criticized their beloved Obama were excoriated and ridiculed) and are in the second step: anger. They were misled or deluded into believing Obama was a moderate or an indefatigable supporter of Israel or a fiscal grown-up or a reformer (take your pick).

They and the rest of the country are figuring out the bitter truth: Obama bears little resemblance to the moderate and soothing figure who tied up John McCain in knots. He bears even less resemblance to the Agent of Change. Rather he’s pretty much the Chicago pol who went to the Senate to be its most liberal member.

And for the wounded Obama supporters, we can offer just one bit of counsel: you have lots of company. There are trading floors filled with sympathetic souls and businesses filled with stunned executives. They didn’t get what they bargained for either. Just ask [12] Jim Cramer. Oh yes, please do invite him to your sessions when he’s not busy with the “I lost my life’s savings” support group.

indeed all the links to their columns are included at link.
Hey Reg nice to see you here dude.

WW, now all you have to do is get people to wear these articles of clothing.

Good luck , I suggest you hit up KKK meetings.