Obama's favorite inaugural photo

Cancel 2018. 3

<-- sched 2, MJ sched 1
Punk'd by the Onion again, huh?



The Onion strikes again.

A radio host fell for a fake story from the satirical website that showed a doctored image of a “drone flyover” on President Barack Obama’s inauguration day.

The post on the Facebook page of KFAI host Andy Driscoll was surfaced by City Pages, which pointed out that Driscoll, who hosts “TruthToTell” on the community radio station in St. Paul, Minn., had written "ugly" underneath an image that showed what appeared to be three remote-controlled drones hovering ominously over the enormous crowds.

Driscoll's posting sparked a long comment thread, including this from Kristin Tapper: “1984 is no longer fiction.”

Driscoll seemed to agree: “Never seen three in a cluster formation like that, but they're obviously scanning the crowd for potential trouble—all monitored by a site in Las Vegas.”
Yeah, Howey, people would actually believe that drones were flying over DC for the inaugural. I can tell you that the airspace is constantly monitored, and that there are manned fighters close by which can get airborne should an interception become necessary. And that's just the tip of the iceberg for the DC area...
Yeah, Howey, people would actually believe that drones were flying over DC for the inaugural. I can tell you that the airspace is constantly monitored, and that there are manned fighters close by which can get airborne should an interception become necessary. And that's just the tip of the iceberg for the DC area...

Lol...I was at HUMINT. I know what's going on. What's funny is Yurts denial that he didn't post it as serious.
howey, not only are you a dishonest fag, you're retarded as well. click on the photo and you will see it is from the ONION you retarded jackass.
Newsflash, retard. Yurt wasn't serious. Then again, I'm guessing you are just trolling him, and not actually serious yourself...

I hate to burst your bubble, but ButtHurtYurt posted the picture with NO LINK to it's site of origin, which would clearly indicate he was indeed joking.

He included not one single comment indicating he was joking...

Nor did he include any smileys, emoticons or any other indicator he was only kidding.

He can jump back into the discussion and pretend he was kidding after the fact, but there is NO PROOF in his OP that he is kidding.
yeah...the title does not indicate joking at all...and it id not even that good of a photoshop

and if you right click on the picture, it of course shows it is from the onion, which any intelligent poster knows they can do
