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With all the talk about President Trump's quid pro quo dealings that have now resulted in his impeachment by House Democrats, I can't help remembering the day that former President Barack Obama was caught red-handed cutting a REAL quid pro quo deal with the Russians - one that was about as treasonous as it gets.

On the 26th of March, 2012, at a Nuclear Energy Summit in Seoul, Obama was caught in a "hot mic" episode whispering the following comments to outgoing Russian President, Dmitri Medvedev, ...

"On all the issues, but particularly missile defence, this, this can be solved. But it's important for him (Vladimir Putin) to give me some space...This is my last election. After my election I will have more flexibility."

The obvious meaning was that the President of the US was stealthily referencing some prior understanding, in which if Putin did not cause embarrassing problems overseas during Obama's 2012 re-election bid, then Obama would later reciprocate (quid pro quo) by offering concessions ("flexibility") in the topic under discussion: missile defence.

What has now been forgotten is: that Vladimir Putin was relatively quiet and helpful in 2012; that Obama did win re-election in 2012; and he did show flexibility after the election with Putin; and the US did curb much of its advocacy of foreign-based missile defence.

Can you imagine what would have happened to President Trump if he had been surveilled and unmasked saying what Obama said to Medvedev on the hot mic in Seoul. I can. Robert Mueller would have had "guts for garters" - BIGLY.

When House Speaker, the "prayerful" and "sombre" Nancy Pelosi announced the opening of the impeachment inquiry into Donald Trump, she spoke, amongst other things, of President Trump's actions constituting: "a betrayal of US national security" and "a betrayal of the integrity of US elections". I find this quite ironic, because it was Obama, a Democrat POTUS, who was a real traitor, not Trump. It seems to me that Obama's secret dealing with the Russians, pretty much represents treason in the way it guarantees US passivity in the face of a belligerent Russia; and treason IS a legitimate predicate for impeachment according to the Constitution.

(And) Obama's "quid pro quo" agreement with Putin did indeed have devastating consequences. It sent a clear message to Moscow that the US was unwilling to check Russian aggression, it delayed the installation of missile defence shields in Europe and it encouraged the Russian annexation of the Crimean peninsula and Moscow's support for pro-Russian rebels in Eastern Ukraine in 2014. Obama reacted by imposing weak economic sanctions on Russia that were woefully inadequate. While Republican Senators called for the US to sent arms to the embattled Ukrainians, Obama did nothing. He said at the time: "The fact is , Ukraine, which is a non-NATO country is going to be vulnerable to military domination by Russia no matter what we do. In other words, he washed his hands of the fate of the Ukraine, and let Putin do as he wished demonstrating some of the "flexibility" he had promised Russia in his secret dealing with Moscow. Obama has the same amount of blood on his hands as does Vladimir Putin.

So Obama gets away scott-free with with impeachable behaviour, but Trump is impeached without there being any evidence presented of his having committed any crime at all. At the heart of the Trump impeachment fiasco is the allegation by an anonymous "whistle-blower" that Trump threatened to withhold military aid to the Ukraine in order to pressure Ukrainian President Zelensky into investigating the activities of former Obama VP, Joe Biden, and his son, Hunter Biden, in Ukraine. But Zelensky has repeatedly said, very clearly, he was not pressurised into doing anything during the July 25th telephone call he had with President Trump. He has repeatedly denied discussing a "quid pro quo" with Trump, and has emphatically stated, for example: "Look, I never talked to the President (Trump) from the position of a "quid pro quo". Nobody pushed me."

What really pisses me off is that it is well known corruption is endemic in the Ukraine, and when a senior American politician (a former Vice President), Joe Biden, is suspected to have been involved in wrongdoing there, then the sitting US President (Trump) is surely within his rights to ask Zelensky if he can help out by looking into the matter for him (?).

And "Golly Gee Whizz", guess what? It turns out that Joe Biden and Hunter Biden ARE bad eggs; both up to their necks in corruption. Let me finish with some brief "no malarkey" facts for you regarding this "Dynamic Duo."...

Firstly, in 2006 Ukrainian Prosecutor General, Viktor Shokin, in his investigation of corruption involving the Ukrainian natural gas company, Burisma Holdings, identified Hunter Biden as the recipient of $3,000,000 from the company. What did Hunter - a chronic drug abuser who was discharged from the US Navy for using cocaine - know about natural gas? ZERO. What relevant qualification/experience did Hunter Biden have that would justify him being appointed a board member of a foreign energy company? ZERO. Could Hunter speak the Ukrainian language? N0. So it looked pretty certain that Prosecutor General Shokin was going to be asking the same kind of questions and wondering WTF is going on here?

Not wanting the corruption ( i.e; $3,000,000 worth of it). Sleepy, creepy Joe Biden swings into action using US loan guarantees as hostage while demanding that Shokin be fired. Amazingly Joe Biden is so stupid that he bragged about his actions in this matter. In 2018, while speaking at the Council on Foreign Relations, Biden told the assembled guests...

" I remember going over to our team to convince that we should be providing for loan guarantees, and I went over, I guess, the 12th or 13th time to Kiev and I was supposed to announce that there was another $ 1 BILLION loan guarantee, and I'd gotten a commitment from Poroshenko and Lutsenko that they would take action against the State Prosecutor (Shokin) and they didn't. So they're walking out of the press conference and I said "Nah - we're not going to give you the one billion dollars". They said, "You have no authority, you're not the President - the President said...". I said, "Call him." I said, "I'm telling you you're not getting a billion dollars; I'm leaving here in, I think, 6 hours, if the prosecutor is not fired you're not getting the money. Well, son of a bitch, he got fired"! (Biden and audience laugh)

Hunter Biden also walked out of China with a $1.5 BILLION dollars in his "wallet", but that's another story.

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More flexibility is not a quid pro quo. It is the reality that once an election ends, the victors make the rules.
Quid pro quo means both sides get something. Trump asked Zelensky to announce an investigation into Bidens. Who benefits from that? Why Trump, only Trump, just Trump. Zelensky get the military help that the House voted them. That is something for something.
Obama made no profit from that or anything else. You should find out what a quid pro quo is before you start a thread.
Most of the Zelensky conversation was about Crowdstrike, not Biden. Of course, focusing on Crowdstrike in the narrative would have been harder to spin it as quid pro quo.
Most of the Zelensky conversation was about Crowdstrike, not Biden. Of course, focusing on Crowdstrike in the narrative would have been harder to spin it as quid pro quo.

If I understand you correctly, you are suggesting that the Crowdstrike conspiracy theory is more plausible than the Biden corruption theory, so let's take a look at that.

In 2016 the D,N.C. hired CrowdStrike, a cybersecurity firm, to investigate how hackers breached a D.N.C. network and released stolen emails to WikiLeaks a few months before the election.

Trump has since fixated on CrowdStrike, saying he “heard it’s owned by a very rich Ukrainian.” He has repeatedly voiced his theory that Ukraine, via 'Ukrainian-owned' Crowdstrike, interfered in the election to swing it for Hillary (that's why she won, I guess).

In his call with President Zelensky, Trump further suggested that Crowdstrike had hidden a hacked D.N.C. server in Ukraine. “The server, they say Ukraine has it.”

There is no evidence to support any of Trump’s assertions. CrowdStrike, based in California, is not Ukrainian-owned and has no known Ukrainian connections. The firm's co-founder, Dmitri Alperovitch, is a Russia-born U.S. citizen who has spent most of his life in the U.S. and has no connection to Ukraine.

CrowdStrike concluded that two espionage groups connected to the Kremlin were responsible for the D.N.C. breach, and their purpose was was not to swing the election for Hillary.
If I understand you correctly, you are suggesting that the Crowdstrike conspiracy theory is more plausible than the Biden corruption theory, so let's take a look at that.

In 2016 the D,N.C. hired CrowdStrike, a cybersecurity firm, to investigate how hackers breached a D.N.C. network and released stolen emails to WikiLeaks a few months before the election.

Trump has since fixated on CrowdStrike, saying he “heard it’s owned by a very rich Ukrainian.” He has repeatedly voiced his theory that Ukraine, via 'Ukrainian-owned' Crowdstrike, interfered in the election to swing it for Hillary (that's why she won, I guess).

In his call with President Zelensky, Trump further suggested that Crowdstrike had hidden a hacked D.N.C. server in Ukraine. “The server, they say Ukraine has it.”

There is no evidence to support any of Trump’s assertions. CrowdStrike, based in California, is not Ukrainian-owned and has no known Ukrainian connections. The firm's co-founder, Dmitri Alperovitch, is a Russia-born U.S. citizen who has spent most of his life in the U.S. and has no connection to Ukraine.

CrowdStrike concluded that two espionage groups connected to the Kremlin were responsible for the D.N.C. breach, and their purpose was was not to swing the election for Hillary.

Regardless of whether or not it qualifies as a "conspiracy theory," the flow of the conversation clearly showed that Trump was more interested in that than Biden. Biden was mentioned near the end of the conversation, but Crowdstrike came up first and was discussed longer.
Most of the Zelensky conversation was about Crowdstrike, not Biden. Of course, focusing on Crowdstrike in the narrative would have been harder to spin it as quid pro quo.

No.it was about Biden and Hunter. Crowdstrike is just a computer company. They are into cybersecurity.