Obama's Vincent Foster?


You have to wonder about this guy... what happened? If it was robbery, why didn't they steal his vintage Rolex watch? Does that make sense? Why was he trying to hitch a ride with strangers instead of using mass transit as he normally did to travel? When last seen alive, he was wearing a black hooded jacket, trying to conceal his face, as if he didn't want to be seen or recognized. Very odd, given his position with the Pentagon, and his impressive resume. Could he have known something?

I've never been one for conspiracy theories like this, I didn't even buy into the Vince Foster thing, until......... (I've never posted this before.) A friend of mine from high school, worked for the Clinton Administration.. She was a most-studious bookworm type, very quiet and super smart girl.. She supposedly was in charge of making sure the stage was set up for presidential speeches when he traveled... making sure the presidential seal was hung correctly and flags in proper places, etc. But the weird thing was, she went by an assumed name.

During the campaign of 1996, she was traveling with the President, when she called her sister out of the blue one day, and began a sort of morbid conversation about her affairs... she was wanting to make sure her kids would be taken care of, in the event something should happen to her... that sort of thing. Three days later, they found her in her hotel room, on the bed, with a plastic bag tied around her head. The coroner ruled the death a suicide. Now, maybe it's because I knew the girl so well in high school, but I just never could accept that she killed herself, she just wasn't the type. What happened? I don't know, but it seems awfully suspicious to me, and the details are enough to raise some eyebrows. But she was definitely 'low-level' and the media never picked up on it. To this day, I wonder if she may have known too much. That incident, made me reevaluate my viewpoint a bit, on Vince Foster and other 'mysterious deaths' surrounding the Clintons, and the death of James Wheeler makes me wonder as well.
Sorry to say it, Dixie, but victims of symptoms and suicide rarely seem the type. Most people around them can observe the redeeming qualities that make their lives worth living, which is why its hard to see it coming.
Sorry to say it, Dixie, but victims of symptoms and suicide rarely seem the type. Most people around them can observe the redeeming qualities that make their lives worth living, which is why its hard to see it coming.

Perhaps, but this girl really had her shit together. I can't explain it, you'd just have to know her... all her classmates were shocked, and I don't think anyone ever believed she committed suicide. Besides.... who kills themselves with a plastic bag over the head? You gotta admit, that's kind of an odd way to do it, isn't it?
Dixie, you are a disingenuous piece of shit.


Oh, I know there is a list of supposed victims a mile long, and every conspiracy theorist in the country has written about the Clinton Body Count... funny thing is, this girl isn't even included in the lists! At least not the ones I've seen. As I said, she was a low-level staffer, and probably just didn't make it on the radar, what with all the big-wigs who did... but I didn't believe a bit of it until she turned up dead. I am 99.999% sure she didn't kill herself.... especially not with a bag over her head... I mean, WHO commits suicide that way? Could you even do it that way? Seems like, your mind/body would instinctively try to remove the bag before you suffocated...just thinking rationally. As I said, it just doesn't make sense.
Oh, I know there is a list of supposed victims a mile long, and every conspiracy theorist in the country has written about the Clinton Body Count... funny thing is, this girl isn't even included in the lists! At least not the ones I've seen. As I said, she was a low-level staffer, and probably just didn't make it on the radar, what with all the big-wigs who did... but I didn't believe a bit of it until she turned up dead. I am 99.999% sure she didn't kill herself.... especially not with a bag over her head... I mean, WHO commits suicide that way? Could you even do it that way? Seems like, your mind/body would instinctively try to remove the bag before you suffocated...just thinking rationally. As I said, it just doesn't make sense.

Gonna dig yourself deeper you lying fucking turd?

Dixie doesn't believe in conspiracy theories, that is for low intelligent types...UNTIL...a girl he knows dies from a reported suicide and she worked for the Clinton Administration. And because there are totally debunked conspiracy theories about Clinton, her death must be tied to those DEBUNKED fucking lies.

You are a retard and a liar Dixie.
Perhaps, but this girl really had her shit together. I can't explain it, you'd just have to know her... all her classmates were shocked, and I don't think anyone ever believed she committed suicide. Besides.... who kills themselves with a plastic bag over the head? You gotta admit, that's kind of an odd way to do it, isn't it?

The first sign of a likely suicide is when they begin to get their affairs in order "just in case"... Watch for a loved one who begins to give away their "treasures", to assign their belongings, talking about what will happen after they are gone when there is no obvious reason for it (such as a terminal disease, etc.)

Somebody who is doing that is likely planning an unexpected exit from this mortal coil. From what you described her first contact taking care of business was a sign that she was suicidal. Most laypersons do not know the signs to watch for and are surprised by it, but there are definite clues and signs to watch for that should send up flags for their loved ones and friends.
I will admit, the plastic bag scenareo is a big WTF.

It depends on how she used it. If she allowed herself to breathe the carbon dioxide, she would pass out and then later pass on unless somebody found her. It would be one of the less painful ways to go. If she wrapped it tightly and allowed no breath at all it would be nearly impossible to keep yourself from tearing the bag away so you could take a breath.

CO2 has the added "benefit" of creating some of the best looking corpses. It brings up roses in the cheeks, etc. As a firefighter (not currently, but past) when you saw somebody who died of CO2 inhalation and CO inhalation you could pretty much guess at the cause of death.
Damo, I understand what you are saying, but it's one of those deals where you would just have to know this girl. She didn't kill herself. Her sister says when she called about "her affairs" it was her impression she was worried something may happen... at the time, she thought maybe because she was doing a lot of traveling around the country on planes, etc. She wasn't depressed, she never was the type to be depressed, very strong natured and full of life. She just was not the type to even contemplate suicide, much less go through with it. I don't know that the other Clinton "bodies" are legitimately tied to Clinton, before this happened, I thought it was all a lot of bunk, I didn't believe any of it... afterward, I had to re-think that.

When we start discussing the President ordering assassinations on US citizens, it makes you wonder... if they have that kind of authority, why couldn't this happen? I mean, it's not out of the realm of possibility, and certainly not something that isn't plausible. Not saying it's true with this girl, or Vince Foster, or even James Wheeler... but something is fishy here, and I don't think we know the whole truth.
Wheeler knew about the phosgene gas the military was supposed to destroy, but instead was sold to middle east regimes

Relax, citizens. Nothing to see here. Move along