Objects we though were black holes may actually be wormholes...


Staff member

According to New Scientist, a team of physicists from Sofia University in Bulgaria believes that wormholes, which are hypothetical tunnels connecting one part of the universe to another, may be hiding in plain sight — in the form of black holes.

Scientists have long been perplexed by black holes, which gobble up matter and never let it escape.

But where does all of this matter go? Physicists have long toyed with the idea that these black holes could be leading to "white holes," or wells that spew out streams of particles and radiation.


These two ends could together form a wormhole, or an Einstein-Rosen bridge to be specific, which some physicists believe could stretch any amount of time and space, a tantalizing theory that could rewrite the laws of spacetime as we understand them today.

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How do they explain the increase in mass of the black hole as it swallows up their neighbors? Maybe there are both, Einstein's theory explained both black holes and the Einstein-Rosen Bridge...
The other option, of course, would be to risk it all by flinging yourself into a black hole.

I don't think anyone will be doing that any time soon since the closest black hole is a few thousand light years away.