OCD ADD creative junkie


I can't help myself with computers. They allow me to be so creative they consume so much of my time. Damn. It's almost 65 out and dry in Portland and I'm sitting here making graphics nobody will even care about instead of riding one of several multi-thousand dollar bikes I'm looking at. LOL And I still enjoy it!

OK here's a pic of my latest project. Using the canvas tag, I made glossy buttons bases. I got to get a script to add text and they're done. Unless of course I see some new technique I need to copy.
So i was thinking about the source of the rounded rectangles script at the mozilla canvas tutorial page and I said "why not?" and made red guy look shiny.
LOL. Then I had to figure out how to make the pacman mouth. I think it needs a little help, but it's close.

So I already have a pacman script on this machine somewhere. it's one of the first things i made. Shit mine has the sounds and everything and I made it 3 years ago when i knew almost nothing. It's actually someone else's script that I enhanced. Theirs was so very basic and it begged me to create a better version and add sounds. I had to create some very complex routines to handle the sounds in html pages. The page would pause every time you switched sounds using embed tags. Not by much, but you couldn't just add sounds to events and not worry about it. I had to make loops and use pauses for the following sounds to make it work.

Now i have a script to use the sounds in flash so it will be sweet. I already made it work with the pinball game test so it should be a snap.

here's links to the canvas pages if you want to see it.

sorry, it only works in mozilla