October Suprise


Junior Member
What will be the republican Oct surprise? The libs always claim there will be one that will justify their elections loss. Desh said it was this weeks claim that Osama was dead. Is that it? Or is there more to come?
What will be the republican Oct surprise? The libs always claim there will be one that will justify their elections loss. Desh said it was this weeks claim that Osama was dead. Is that it? Or is there more to come?

Another knowledgable post by a knowledgable man. Let me ask you this board seer: Does the name Karl Rove ring a bell? Does he sound like a "lib" to you? Do "GOP insiders" sound like "libs" to you? Because so far Rove is the one running around to various publications trumpeting an "October Surprise" and he is doing it on that ultra-liberal website NEWSMAX. toby, my main man, you are not only mostly uninformed but you are generally wrong. Here is proof. And I don't use that word loosely or flagrantly but in this case I think I can call what I post here not just evidence but proof you are talking out your ass.

Conservative websites claim Rove has been Promising GOP insiders an 'October Surprise'

Published: Thursday September 21, 2006

According to two conservative websites, White House political strategist Karl Rove has been promising GOP insiders that there will be an "October surprise" before the midterm elections.

"In the past week, Karl Rove has been promising Republican insiders an 'October surprise' to help win the November congressional elections," reports Ronald Kessler for Newsmax.

"President Bush's political strategist is also saying that the final two weeks before the elections will see a blitz of advertising, and the Republican National Committee is deploying an army of volunteers to key locations to help the grass-roots effort and monitor the election," the article continues. "The RNC is offering to fly in volunteers and cover their expenses."

A few weeks ago, another conservative publication, The American Spectator, reported that White House staffers had "been talking up the possibilities of an 'October Surprise' or two leading into the mid-term elections."

"They say the President feels confident he can still play a role in the election, that he intends to campaign hard for Republicans, and that on the policy front, there are a couple of issues that can be used as wedges along the way," according to a column written by "The Prowler."


Excerpts from Newsmax article:

Rove is not saying what the October surprise will be. Asked if he would elaborate and give his thinking about the coming elections, Rove told NewsMax that his take largely parallels what RNC Chairman Ken Mehlman said in a Sept. 5 NewsMax story.

As for the October Surprise, Rove said, "I'd rather let the balance [of plans for the elections] unroll on its own."

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Last election's Democrat "October Surprise" was wrecked when it came out two weeks instead of one week before the election as planned by See B.S. News....

Anyway, both parties usually have something that they pull out at the last minute that is geared toward either riling up the base or swinging the fence-sitters to their side. It is no shock that Rove would talk about it.

At least not to me.
Anyway, both parties usually have something that they pull out at the last minute that is geared toward either riling up the base or swinging the fence-sitters to their side. It is no shock that Rove would talk about it.

At least not to me.

You're right such talk this early and a proimise to boot is a sign of despiration and a look at the polls shows that the Republicans have plenty to feeel desperate about. Especially now that George Allen has all but imploded in Virginia, Harris is facing more corruption charges in Florida, and Casey appears sure to trounce Santorum in Pennsylvania, and Burns is getting burned in Montana, it sure doesn't look like a Republican sweep this time. So yeah, Rove is already talking October in the Middle of September, DESPIRATION for sure...Funny though, I haven't heard anything about October from Democrats. Maybe someone has a story and a link for that...
your right damo, both sides will have Oct surprizes. The thing is will they time it so there is not time to investigate how much of it is lies. They have to wait till the very lst minute tho cause the bloggers will be all over it and blow the surprise wide open given a little time.
What will be the republican Oct surprise? The libs always claim there will be one that will justify their elections loss. Desh said it was this weeks claim that Osama was dead. Is that it? Or is there more to come?

hey toby!

i think it might have been you that posted the link to that taliban gathering in the cemetary either here or on the other site, where we did not fire on them because it was in a cemetary and we had some sort of agreement not to attack?

who was that funeral for...do you remember?

I only wish the Democrats were as organized, or as Machiavellian as Damo and Gaffer are claiming here. And while I find it interesting that Damo and Gaffer, having been shown that Rove did talk about an October surprise, had to move immediately to "Ohh well, that's par, they all do it, the Dems will do it too of course", to show how fair and balanced they are by immediately stating that have no fear, they KNOW (with no evidence offered) that the dems are just as big of scumbags, however, I have no such faith in the Dems.

I expect the Dems will be involved in an October surprise, by once again being the only ones surprised when they are on the receiving end of one.
Right. That's why I did that. :rolleyes:

I always find it amusing that you think I have some nefarious scheme going on at all times.
The dems are always claiming there will be an election suprise. I know what Rove said, my guess he is stirring them up and making fun of them. Like I was.
Libs have been claiming for every election in the last few years the Osama will be pulled out right before the election.