Off again soon


Im working on getting the house in shape for me to pack up and take off for the rental house in Cali. Im really looking forward to working on the yard and whipping it back in shape. They left the house in pretty good shape and also left me a new kitchen faucet, rod iron screen door, poorch swing, patio furniture, bathroom shelfs. A little window washing and mostly yard work.

Then it will be off to Imperial Beach for sandcastle days. The town in which I am now part owner of a Beach condo because my FIL was a wise man who bought in the cutest little beach town in Cali. Its like a trip into the past to go there. All little cute beach cottages and no large buildings. I wish like hell he was going to be there and that I didnt part own a beach condo. The family wanted to all do sandcastle together in his honor.
Will do , Im know Ill have fun interspersed with some tears when I think of who is not there with us.

He would be happy to see us all laugh and tell some stories about him.
Yeah I need to do that.I have a hard time justifying it because its just for fun and not business.

Well it for real folks Im taking off in just a few minutes.
Im off to the rental house again.

One of the nieghbors has an interested friend. I may luck out.

The house is looking good and just a little bit of cleaning is left to do. The grass is coing in well in the dirt area from what my hubby says and Ill be looking at a completely grass back yard. I guess that means more mowing.

See you all in arround a week.