Off the top of my head


Is it me or is Eddie Murphy morphing into Bill Cosby? As each year goes by he looks more and more like him.

Beyonce looks phenomenal on that SI Swim Suit Cover ... wow!! Superfreak...I'll give you that one ;)

Im the father of Anna Nicole's kid

When I see Dick Cheney I cant help think of Frank Caliendo's penguin impression ..

When he does McCain will he dress up as the Mummy..? I mean what is it with McCain and those bandaids!

How does Keith Olbermann justify basing his entire show on critiquing other peoples show? And then there is Desh who admits she gets information about Oreilly and Rush Limbaugh by watching his show. I just watched a 7 minute rant with Olbermann and columnist Clarence Page ripping apart Rush and Glen Beck for making comments about Barak Obama and his self proclaimed raceless attitude. So I guess if Obama makes it to the general POTUS or VP candidate...he is going to be hands off .., free of criticism from the right..otherwise one will be deemed a racist. This is how Elitist Liberals will plan to "USE" him.
"I have been attacked by Rush Limbaugh on the air, an experience somewhat akin to being gummed by a newt. It doesn't actually hurt, but it leaves you with slimy stuff on your ankle."

-- Molly Ivins
So I guess if Obama makes it to the general POTUS or VP candidate...he is going to be hands off .., free of criticism from the right..otherwise one will be deemed a racist. This is how Elitist Liberals will plan to "USE" him.

That assertion is full of $hit. I'e noticed that this excuse seems to be picking up steam among cons. But since you bring it up.....

First of all, what makes you think they are "using" him? I haven't heard you mention anything about Kerry being "used" by elitist liberals or Clinton or Edwards for that matter. Why is it that you assume that liberals have some sort of ownership of his candidacy? I hope that one day you can get past objectifying black candidates and look at them for the individuals that they are and not merely as pawns in an elitist (white) agenda.

Secondly, how did you come to the conlcusion that its because of his race that Olbermann & Page were ripping Rush to shreds. Olberman always goes after right wing pundits and their BS, why is that all of a sudden its because "No one's allowed to pick on the black guy" hell you didn't even mention what Rush said about him! As a matter of fact your entire rant lacked any substantive points on what the subject matter was.
"Beyonce looks phenomenal on that SI Swim Suit Cover ... wow!! Superfreak...I'll give you that one "

As you should.... I am always right.
Lady T ..the subject matter was just that... it was Olbermann & Page spending 7 useless minutes ripping apart two guys that basically brought up the fact that Obama is running a raceless campaign... Rush and Beck certainly used two different perspectives; Rush from a more political point of view by basically implying that Obama is running away from race Card.., and Beck simply saying that when he sees Obama he see's a "colorless person" which means he does not identify with him being white or black... which by the way is not neccessarily a bad it? Isnt this where "we" Whites and Blacks need to evolve? Or am I a racist for merely bringing this up?

See how this can become a "catch 22" ? Im sorry.. Olbermann & Page were both being Elitists ...and in this instance.. using the race card ..

Oh by the way.. you say that "Olberman always goes after right wing pundits and their BS" ..I agree that he has built a career out of being an "Extreme Left Wing Pundit" bashing extreme right Wing Pundits ...and building a following of left wing "Ditto Heads".
Olbermann is a moron. He is trying to be the "Rush" of the left. How anyone can watch/listen to either of those two is beyond me.
basically brought up the fact that Obama is running a raceless campaign... Rush and Beck certainly used two different perspectives; Rush from a more political point of view by basically implying that Obama is running away from race Card.., and Beck simply saying that when he sees Obama he see's a "colorless person" which means he does not identify with him being white or black... which by the way is not neccessarily a bad it? Isnt this where "we" Whites and Blacks need to evolve? Or am I a racist for merely bringing this up?

If I had time to research, I'd try to pull the manuscript. Somehow I doubt it was as simple as, "we're color-blind and Obama isn't basing his campaign around race"