off to bake cookies


time for me to throw down on the christmasy stuff dudes

the date is getting late and ribbons and bows need to mysteriously appear.

peace to all

best to all

Ill keep checking in
time for me to throw down on the christmasy stuff dudes

the date is getting late and ribbons and bows need to mysteriously appear.

peace to all

best to all

Ill keep checking in

Have fun. I got to put up lights when I get off work today. That's the last thing on my list ... besides making 4 more batches of pecan caramel. I can do that tomorrow though, and hand out the candy baskets next week. I'm definitely in the Christmasy mood.
My turn to cook supper tonight. Deer tenderloin (6 pointer I got last year), fried okra (from our garden put up in the freezer), spinach from Walmart and biscuits. Had a small cup on NA eggnog for dessert. Thought I'd add this to your cooking thread as we have officially begun our Christmas vacation. Candy making after church tomorrow night.
time for me to throw down on the christmasy stuff dudes

the date is getting late and ribbons and bows need to mysteriously appear.

peace to all

best to all

Ill keep checking in

What did you make? Raspberry thumbprints are my favorite. I usually make at least 10 different kinds of cookies, but this year I didn't make any. I just fell behind and have been so buy. Cheescake, stollen, pie, but no cookies this year. I will never hear the end of it either.
snow balls

peanut butter

snicker doodles

oatmeal scotchies

milk chocolate chip

white choc chip with macadamias