Office Parties


Well, with my office Holiday Party coming up next week, this article seemed first. But...Are they kidding me? No excessive drinking, inappropriate dress. off-color jokes, cursing, sexual advances, bumping and grinding on the dance floor, hooking up, or fistfights?

WTF is the point of going man? Why don't I just go hang out with my grandmother that night huh?

“[Americans] place more emphasis on our careers as a way to define ourselves personally,” O’Donnell says. “At any corporate-sponsored event, we must keep in mind – even if it is begrudgingly – that we must think about our actions and the impact they can have, both positively and negatively, on our careers.”

Unfortunately, this fact is lost on some employees. According to a recent study, 36 percent of employers reported such behavioral problems as excessive drinking, off-color jokes, sexual advances and fistfights at last year’s company party. Fifteen percent of employees who engaged in inappropriate behavior reported a negative impact on his or her career growth.

When work is bad, life is bad, so don’t take any risks this holiday season. Here are the top 10 offenses to avoid at this year’s company holiday bash.

Dressing inappropriately.

Don’t dress as if you were going to a club or trolling for dates, O’Donnell says. Even if you’re hittin’ the town later, you still need to dress properly for the party

Getting drunk!
Seventy percent of companies are serving alcohol at their holiday parties this year, a 15 percent drop from last year, according to a recent survey.
There’s a reason for this, people!
Bottom line: Don’t drink excessively at the holiday party. You’ll end up saying or doing something you’ll regret.

Hooking up!

Co-workers secretly harboring feelings for each other often think it’s OK to act on those feeling at the holiday event, O’Donnell says. Not so.

Not using your best table manners.
It seems obvious, but for many, manners go out the door after business hours – especially with a drink in hand, O’Donnell says. No swearing, chew with your mouth closed and remember to say “please,” “thank you” and “excuse me.”

“Dirty dancing” or executing “athletic displays.”

“Even though krumping, bumping and grinding are all the rage, these moves have no place on the corporate dance floor,” O’Donnell advises. “Moreover, back flips, splits, jumps and spins can only lead to disaster.”

Keep moves clean and in control. Even if folks are begging for you to dance, O’Donnell says, keep in mind that everyone loves to watch other people embarrass themselves.
Man, i hate those things. I haven't been to one for a few years now but the memories do tend to linger for an eternity, which is a little ironic as within the 24 hours immediately following the event, itself, you tend not to remember anything and are merely haunted by flashbacks and that eerie sense of impending doom.

Asking you not to get smashed off your tits on the one hand and providing a free bar on the other sends out too many mixed messages for this easily confused mind.

Still, it doesn't say you can't indulge in the old class A's, does it?

"Party on, dude", as Keith and Justin from accounts will never tire of telling you whilst wearing their humorous cartoon ties and novelty antlers. Those crazy fools.
When I go to my office parties the only ones there are my husband and son so I can do anything I want. Damn I love being a kept woman.
Well, with my office Holiday Party coming up next week, this article seemed first. But...Are they kidding me? No excessive drinking, inappropriate dress. off-color jokes, cursing, sexual advances, bumping and grinding on the dance floor, hooking up, or fistfights?

WTF is the point of going man? Why don't I just go hang out with my grandmother that night huh?

“[Americans] place more emphasis on our careers as a way to define ourselves personally,” O’Donnell says. “At any corporate-sponsored event, we must keep in mind – even if it is begrudgingly – that we must think about our actions and the impact they can have, both positively and negatively, on our careers.”

Unfortunately, this fact is lost on some employees. According to a recent study, 36 percent of employers reported such behavioral problems as excessive drinking, off-color jokes, sexual advances and fistfights at last year’s company party. Fifteen percent of employees who engaged in inappropriate behavior reported a negative impact on his or her career growth.

When work is bad, life is bad, so don’t take any risks this holiday season. Here are the top 10 offenses to avoid at this year’s company holiday bash.

Dressing inappropriately.

Don’t dress as if you were going to a club or trolling for dates, O’Donnell says. Even if you’re hittin’ the town later, you still need to dress properly for the party

Getting drunk!
Seventy percent of companies are serving alcohol at their holiday parties this year, a 15 percent drop from last year, according to a recent survey.
There’s a reason for this, people!
Bottom line: Don’t drink excessively at the holiday party. You’ll end up saying or doing something you’ll regret.

Hooking up!

Co-workers secretly harboring feelings for each other often think it’s OK to act on those feeling at the holiday event, O’Donnell says. Not so.

Not using your best table manners.
It seems obvious, but for many, manners go out the door after business hours – especially with a drink in hand, O’Donnell says. No swearing, chew with your mouth closed and remember to say “please,” “thank you” and “excuse me.”

“Dirty dancing” or executing “athletic displays.”

“Even though krumping, bumping and grinding are all the rage, these moves have no place on the corporate dance floor,” O’Donnell advises. “Moreover, back flips, splits, jumps and spins can only lead to disaster.”

Keep moves clean and in control. Even if folks are begging for you to dance, O’Donnell says, keep in mind that everyone loves to watch other people embarrass themselves.

I read this to yesterday. We have 150 people in our office but my team or group consists of about 15 people and we violate most of those rules on a weekly basis. I think we all take the attitude of if the company is paying I'm getting wasted.
All I can say is.............

enjoy your Holiday Parties...make a ass outta will miss them when you retire...but have alot of fun memories...have fun but don't get perverted...this will not be cool...flirt, merry...but remember to have a designated driver...check the roster for Mormons and Baptist...they will save your butt...:cof1:
I'll just use this as my off-topic thread of the day.

I just bagged, after a lot of delicate work, a very nice-sized company as a freelance client.

This time next year I am going to be buying and selling Topspin! I am going to call him a gerber too!
I'll just use this as my off-topic thread of the day.

I just bagged, after a lot of delicate work, a very nice-sized company as a freelance client.

This time next year I am going to be buying and selling Topspin! I am going to call him a gerber too!


Pick one out, you'll need one to suit your new lifestyle:
Man, i hate those things. I haven't been to one for a few years now but the memories do tend to linger for an eternity, which is a little ironic as within the 24 hours immediately following the event, itself, you tend not to remember anything and are merely haunted by flashbacks and that eerie sense of impending doom.

Asking you not to get smashed off your tits on the one hand and providing a free bar on the other sends out too many mixed messages for this easily confused mind.

Still, it doesn't say you can't indulge in the old class A's, does it?

"Party on, dude", as Keith and Justin from accounts will never tire of telling you whilst wearing their humorous cartoon ties and novelty antlers. Those crazy fools.
I pass on 'out of building' get togethers. I have some friends at school, we go out. I have many more colleagues whom I get along with fine, with some differences in how I feel about them as teachers and probably vice versa. The idea of 'socializing', especially if alcohol is involved, no thanks.

We have a luncheon for 'staff' at the local country club, no drinking. The 'Chrismas Party' I skip.
Man. Good things are happening to Darla everywhere. Must have built up some good karma in a past life.
I'll just use this as my off-topic thread of the day.

I just bagged, after a lot of delicate work, a very nice-sized company as a freelance client.

This time next year I am going to be buying and selling Topspin! I am going to call him a gerber too!


But I can think of a lot better things to buy than Topspin ;)

A cheeseburger at Mickeydees for instance.
USC you don't even roll in the kind of circles to know how far off you are.

Darla has real ambition.
Our office parties were always mid day and crawfish boils at hotels etc. I'd bug out and go play tennis. A couple young kids got too waisted and were ragged unmercifully usually behind their backs. Glad I wasn't a drinker cause like cawacko I'd have taken too much advantage of the free drinks.
One of the funniest things I've ever seen were the ladies in accounting hittiing the free food at one function, pack wolve's.:shock: