Office printers 'are health risk'


Villified User
Office printers 'are health risk'
By Nick Bryant
BBC News, Sydney

Generic office printer
Office printers emit tiny particles of toner, the scientists say
The humble office laser printer can damage lungs in much the same way as smoke particles from cigarettes, a team of Australian scientists has found.

An investigation of a range of printer models showed that almost a third emit potentially dangerous levels of toner into the air.

The Queensland University of Technology scientists have called on ministers to regulate these kinds of emissions.

They say some printers should come with a health warning.

The researchers carried out tests on more than 60 machines.

Almost one-third were found to emit ultra-tiny particles of toner-like material, so small that they can infiltrate the lungs and cause a range of health problems from respiratory irritation to more chronic illnesses.

Conducted in an open-plan office, the test revealed that particle levels increased five-fold during working hours, a rise blamed on printer use.

We need copier free zones!
Office printers 'are health risk'
By Nick Bryant
BBC News, Sydney

Generic office printer
Office printers emit tiny particles of toner, the scientists say
The humble office laser printer can damage lungs in much the same way as smoke particles from cigarettes, a team of Australian scientists has found.

An investigation of a range of printer models showed that almost a third emit potentially dangerous levels of toner into the air.

The Queensland University of Technology scientists have called on ministers to regulate these kinds of emissions.

They say some printers should come with a health warning.

The researchers carried out tests on more than 60 machines.

Almost one-third were found to emit ultra-tiny particles of toner-like material, so small that they can infiltrate the lungs and cause a range of health problems from respiratory irritation to more chronic illnesses.

Conducted in an open-plan office, the test revealed that particle levels increased five-fold during working hours, a rise blamed on printer use.

We need copier free zones!

I guess Darla's in trouble for all the time she has spent making copies of herself flashing the printer.


My grandfather smoked, at least, sixty laser printers a day and died at the ripe old age of ninety eight, whilst getting to grips with a daisy wheel. Game girl that Daisy Wheel, what?

Mother, the revolver.

My grandfather smoked, at least, sixty laser printers a day and died at the ripe old age of ninety eight, whilst getting to grips with a daisy wheel. Game girl that Daisy Wheel, what?

Mother, the revolver.
What? Revolver. Don't shoot my printer! I NEED it!
Easily fixable. Since the bonding process is electrostatic, use an electrostatic air cleaner next to the printer to attract the airborne particles. Do we really need legislation for this?
Easily fixable. Since the bonding process is electrostatic, use an electrostatic air cleaner next to the printer to attract the airborne particles. Do we really need legislation for this?
Well Duh! Of course we do! It needs to be regulated and Surgeon Generals who want our kids to masturbate should force them to put warning labels on them!
Easily fixable. Since the bonding process is electrostatic, use an electrostatic air cleaner next to the printer to attract the airborne particles. Do we really need legislation for this?

Why of coures not I am sure all employers will go right out and get an air cleaner for every laser printer they have :rolleyes: