APP - Officer Chauvin is the other victim here



It is easy to point all of the blame at Officer Chauvin, but the truth of the matter is that he should not be convicted of murder. He did not murder Floyd. Unfortunately, when all of the facts come out, it likely won't matter because the left as always will have already done its damage

This is what we know

1) Floyd was a big boy and had a history of violence
2) Floyd was under the influence of methamphetamine and fentanyl the combination of which alone could have killed Floyd
3) The kneeling on the neck of Floyd was approved police policy
4) The time that Chauvin kneeled on Floyd was police policy. The policy is "restrain them until paramedics come"

Now you can disagree with policy, but Chauvin was following police procedures to the letter. "Oh, but you shouldn't follow the orders if you think they are bad that makes you a Nazi" the left will say. Floyd was in obvious distress from the beginning. Was he faking to try to get out of being arrested or really in distress? The officers can't know that. They aren't trained physicians.

Additionally if you read the transcript to the 9-11 call, it wasn't just about the forged $20. It was also about a man who was obviously impaired and about to get behind the wheel of a car. I remember a time when leftists cared about impaired driving. I even remember the robust conversation about lowering the legal limit to 0.08 here on JPP and leftists resoundingly endorsed it.

But, since race hustling is the order of the day, facts be damned. We live in a world where George Floyd who had a history of violence in his past has ZERO culpability in his own death.

He didn't break the law by passing a forged document
He didn't ingest a potentially lethal concoction of fentanyl and methamphetamine that alone could have killed him

Nope, it is all Chauvin's fault for following police procedures to the letter.

Let that sink in.