Offshoring our defense industry


Villified User
BAE concludes major US takeover

Defence firm BAE Systems has concluded its $2.2bn ($4.5bn) takeover of US military manufacturer Armor Holdings.

The deal, which will hugely expand BAE's US business, was announced in May but was subject to regulatory approval, which has now been completed.

BAE faces a probe by US authorities into whether its business dealings comply with anti-corruption laws.

Its role in a huge 1980s arms deal with Saudi Arabia has come under scrutiny, but the firm has denied any wrongdoing.

Now we know why Brown came over to visit ?

I wonder did Bush indulge in the Brown eye like with rootin tootin Putin ?
Hmmmm, I missed this.

Interesting. This is yet another reason I think the government should cut out the middleman as much as possible when it comes to defense contracts. A) we the tax payers pay investors ROE and tax dollars are just disgustingly wasted and B) we're selling out our defense roles to industry and other countries.
Before long we will be buying military hardware from countries that threaten us. where will that leave us ? Second world.
Stupid little protectionist fearmongers. Can't leave you alone for a second without you coming up with another "the world is ending!" rant.