Oh dear lord! Bees!

What a waste. Just call a beekeeper to pick them up. I'd love to get an easy swarm like that one.

Swarms are not dangerous, they are confused and looking for a home and are at their least aggressive. You can actually walk up to the bees and touch them without any danger of being stung. It is quite an experience.
I have a thing about bees and wasps. It isn't rational, but its there.

Snakes don't bother me at all, I have caught most species that live in the SE. Mean dogs are not a biggie. I am not afraid of guns, haunted houses, speaking in public, or of death.

But bees and wasps scare the crap outta me. I am told I was stung when I was very little. I have been stung quite a few times since by hornets, yellow jackets, bumble bees and waps. The logical part of my mind says its not the worst pain I have felt and that I shouldn't get the heebee jeebees about them.

But rational thoughts and the logical part of the mind don't always rule.