Oh surprise surprise another boston team wins a championship


on indefiniate mod break
In the last ~6.5 years each of our teams has won a championship. What else is new? Sometimes I really just need to sit back and dwell on how amazing my city is. We truly are the best. Best in education, best in sports. You can thank us for the revolution. The whole nation owes so much to boston.
meanwhile, in canada . . . .

we have had shit tons of finals appearances though. so it's not like we've been twiddling our thumbs
billy it's ok, I don't mind detroit beating us out in hockey, as hockey is overall a prole sport. but even boston's proles have their day.
Socialism should disqualify any team from competition. All sports organizations from Boston should be banned until they choose to embrace freedom.
all thanks will be purged in the coming revolution. Thanks elevate men above one and other. This cannot be so. No one should ever be thanked. Everyone should be miserable with each other and reminded of their constant failure so that they turn to the great state for comfort and support. Thankers will be executed.