Oh, What a Tragedy


"One big question is what role, if any, Mr. Cheney played. Mr. Libby and Mr. Cheney are extremely close — they often rode to work together before Mr. Libby’s indictment forced him to resign as Mr. Cheney’s chief of staff in October 2005 — and aides said the vice president viewed Mr. Libby’s conviction as a tragedy."

This really makes me sick. This is the man, probably most responsible for the daily carnage in Iraq of both our soldiers, and Iraqi civilians. To me, this man is just evil. He sleeps at night and isn't kept up by images of dead soldiers, maimed 21 year olds, and burned children. But his boy gets popped for doing his dirty work, and that's "a tragedy". This guy doesn't have the heart to know what a tragedy is. But, he's survived FIVE heart attacks, and that, is as near proof as you are ever going to see that there's no God.

"Indeed, to administration critics, the commutation was a subversion of justice, an act of hypocrisy by a president who once vowed that anyone in his administration who broke the law would “be taken care of.”

This, I disagree with. I don't think this is necessarily "hypocrisy". After all, the promise that anyone in his admistration who breaks the law is "going to be taken care of" can be taken two ways. I think his subsequent actions show how the words were originally meant. They were meant in the Mafia manner. If you don't squeal, don't worry, we're gonna take care of you when you get popped.

And bush, along with President Cheney, have certainly been true to that promise. So, that's a bad rap they are getting there.

I also thought it was ironic that Bush talked about the "excessive" sentence, when his admin has put away 10's of thousands of kids under mandatory minimum sentencing for mere marijuana use.

Cheney is as close to evil as we get in our government. The Washington Post did an expose on him recently that covered a variety of Cheney's "behind the scenes" activity, with a strong focus on his efforts to "get around the law" when it comes to issues like protecting the environment.

The Iraq War is really his crowning achievement, though. I'm convinced that without Cheney (5 Vietnam deferrments), that war doesn't happen.

I loved it when that guy told Cheney to go F himself.
I also thought it was ironic that Bush talked about the "excessive" sentence, when his admin has put away 10's of thousands of kids under mandatory minimum sentencing for mere marijuana use.

Cheney is as close to evil as we get in our government. The Washington Post did an expose on him recently that covered a variety of Cheney's "behind the scenes" activity, with a strong focus on his efforts to "get around the law" when it comes to issues like protecting the environment.

The Iraq War is really his crowning achievement, though. I'm convinced that without Cheney (5 Vietnam deferrments), that war doesn't happen.

I loved it when that guy told Cheney to go F himself.

Right, the mandatory pot sentences. I forgot about that. It just gets more and more outrageous the longer you think about it.

It disturbs me to believe that without one man, one man who had five heart attacks and with a slight turn of fate, could have been long dead, the Iraqi war would not have happened, and so many would be alive today, who are not. But, I do strongly suspect that.
Right, the mandatory pot sentences. I forgot about that. It just gets more and more outrageous the longer you think about it.

It disturbs me to believe that without one man, one man who had five heart attacks and with a slight turn of fate, could have been long dead, the Iraqi war would not have happened, and so many would be alive today, who are not. But, I do strongly suspect that.
That's one way to look at it . . . and a darned good one. There really are times when single individuals change the course of history, at least for a while, and this may well be one of them.

It may not, too. It's also possible that the invasion of Iraq -- or some similar gratutitous military adventure -- was bound to happen sometime soon. The neocons were screaming for blood, as it were, and they were too influential to be denied for long. Even if Gore had become president they'd simply come back after the setback, possibly even worse than they are now.

The really crappy thing is that it may have been necessary for them to fail so spectacularly in order to put them down. If that's the case then the sooner the better.

Don't get me wrong: Cheney's not fit to live in a dog's kennel, as far as I'm concerned. I just question whether he's all that important in the long run.
That's one way to look at it . . . and a darned good one. There really are times when single individuals change the course of history, at least for a while, and this may well be one of them.

It may not, too. It's also possible that the invasion of Iraq -- or some similar gratutitous military adventure -- was bound to happen sometime soon. The neocons were screaming for blood, as it were, and they were too influential to be denied for long. Even if Gore had become president they'd simply come back after the setback, possibly even worse than they are now.

The really crappy thing is that it may have been necessary for them to fail so spectacularly in order to put them down. If that's the case then the sooner the better.
Don't get me wrong: Cheney's not fit to live in a dog's kennel, as far as I'm concerned. I just question whether he's all that important in the long run.

That's very possible. Terribly tragic, but very possible.
That was my thought on the 2004 election. I sort of saw Bush winning as a necessary evil to complete the Neocons downfall.
But I still could not bring myself to vote for the bassid.
Cheney is an evil man no if or buts about it.

It is very likely we could have avoided the Iraq war if he had not been at the helm of the Bush fiasco.

The People who have died may indeed have done so to teach this coming generation about the evil of ignoring your government and just trusting your representatives.

I wish there would come a time when mankind could just learn this one for fucking forever.

History is replete with the lesson.

Why oh why does each generation have to keep learning it first hand.
Why oh why does each generation have to keep learning it first hand.

Because the drug occurs naturally in the brains of humans ?
Why oh why does each generation have to keep learning it first hand.

Because the drug occurs naturally in the brains of humans ?
Yeah, that's pretty much it.

All is not totally lost, though. While much of the madness really is cyclic and there's no final solution to it, there is also progress, of a sort. Each generation gets a little bit more genuinely useful information at the outset than the last. There are hiccups and bad patches, sure, but the general trend is positive.