OHH NO ! tell me it isn't so.

Do you remember when they all decided, because of reports of imminent demise from more natural sources, to go with the Vegetable Oils that actually do cause imminent demise?

I wonder when they'll find out this new and improved version is even worse than the second.
Do you remember when they all decided, because of reports of imminent demise from more natural sources, to go with the Vegetable Oils that actually do cause imminent demise?

I wonder when they'll find out this new and improved version is even worse than the second.

yeah just what I was talking to sis about a while ago....
Yup, and now they have found out there is too much lead in BIBS too. DAH!!!---??????????????????
Who the hell eats those disgusting things anyways? It's just like drinking (of which I am a huge fan). You are taking a risk for your body. Now dont take that I'm against the current trend going awawy from fattening food. It's good. But cities that legislate against such things are overstepping their bounds. The people can vote with their pocket books.
Who the hell eats those disgusting things anyways? It's just like drinking (of which I am a huge fan). You are taking a risk for your body. Now dont take that I'm against the current trend going awawy from fattening food. It's good. But cities that legislate against such things are overstepping their bounds. The people can vote with their pocket books.

And the pocketbook vote is why dunkin dougnuts are removing the transfats.

No law made them do this.
And that is why dunkin is doing it everywhere ?

But it probably is in a way, they see the writing on the wall.
I don't think NYC needed to make the law, they all changed to the Transfats because of the health reports, they'll all change to this new crap regardless. Then we'll find that it causes your intestines to leap up and throttle your spine after years of exposure, they'll have to change back to the original animal fat.

NYC will make a law about it because it makes them feel good.
I don't think NYC needed to make the law, they all changed to the Transfats because of the health reports, they'll all change to this new crap regardless. Then we'll find that it causes your intestines to leap up and throttle your spine after years of exposure, they'll have to change back to the original animal fat.

NYC will make a law about it because it makes them feel good.

Yeah the NYC law was a safe political feel good law.
I know that no law was passed at a national level affecting DD. I was merely broadening the realm of discussion.