Ohh this is hillarious


Villified User
Viagra ruled kosher for Passover

A way has been found to prevent Viagra from coming into contact with the body
A leading Israeli rabbi has ruled that the anti-impotency pill Viagra can be taken by Jews on Passover, reversing a previous ban.

Viagra had been deemed not kosher since 1998 under strict dietary laws over the week-long Jewish spring holiday.

Rabbi Mordechai Eliahu said the pill can be swallowed if it is encased in a special soluble kosher capsule first.

Viagra's Israeli manufacturers said they sought an answer after receiving queries from worried religious men.

So for a week they have to encase their pills in a special casing so that they don't touch the pill? Weird.
Just curious..............

What is viagra made out of?...Is it a meat product...Bull testicles or some other animal testicles...is this why it needs a Kosher rating?:confused:
It is ridiculous to me that the Joos are worrying about a hard weenie pill not being allowed for a week or so. How long is passover anyway ?