APP - ohio cops 'lie' about drug checkpoint

Don Quixote

cancer survivor
seems that they found a 'loophole'

RUSSELL GOLDMAN 15 hours agoSociety & Culture

Every day, nearly 100,000 cars pass the suburban town of Mayfield Heights, Ohio, outside Cleveland, along Interstate 271, and some of them are allegedly trafficking drugs across state lines.
Law enforcement officials there say their hands are tied. It is illegal for them to set up checkpoints to stop drivers randomly and search for drugs. So, instead, they have devised a clever loophole: lie about setting up checkpoints to stop drivers and search for drugs.
The deception, however, has some civil rights groups accusing the police of going too far and virtually entrapping drivers.
Large yellow signs along the highway warn drivers to be prepared to stop and have their cars inspected by police and drug-sniffing dogs. In reality, there are no checkpoints, let alone four-legged assistants. But there are cops waiting and watching for suspicious behavior after drivers read the signs.
The highway, which includes express and local lanes, "is the perfect area for traffickers to travel on, and that makes the perfect area to interdict them," Mayfield Heights assistant prosecutor Dominic Vitantonio told ABC
Cops are looking for reactions from drivers who see the signs warning of a checkpoint, including crossing a grass median or throwing drugs from the windows of their moving vehicles, Vitantonio said.
At least four suspected drug traffickers were caught in the sting in the first month, Vitantonio said, adding that "the system works."
The motivation is a 2000 Supreme Court ruling that banned police from setting up checkpoints to stop drivers for anything other than drunk driving and trafficking illegal immigrants.
But the "federal courts say there is nothing wrong with leading someone to believe there's going to be a checkpoint," Vitantonio said.
Civil libertarians, however, aren't so sure.
"Maybe they can do it," said Nick Worner, spokesman for the Ohio office of the American Civil Liberties Union. "But should they do it?
"Police need to deceive taxpayers for their own good, but what does the public think? Does it pass the smell test? They allege it's not a checkpoint," he added, "but it's little more than a ruse."
the antidrug laws strike again...adults just cannot make adult decisions
agreed. but this goes back before even the drug war and has morphed in to constitution free zones. think about that. DUI checkpoints are valid even though Rehnquist specifically stated that they violate the 4th Amendment. within 100 miles of the contiguous border of the US, federal agents can stop anyone, anywhere, anytime, for any reason and search them and their vehicles. drug checkpoints set up to specifically target people who attempt to avoid them, even though no probable cause exists to stop them. it's no longer a country of limited government, but one of government control and 95% of the proles demand it.
agreed. but this goes back before even the drug war and has morphed in to constitution free zones. think about that. DUI checkpoints are valid even though Rehnquist specifically stated that they violate the 4th Amendment. within 100 miles of the contiguous border of the US, federal agents can stop anyone, anywhere, anytime, for any reason and search them and their vehicles. drug checkpoints set up to specifically target people who attempt to avoid them, even though no probable cause exists to stop them. it's no longer a country of limited government, but one of government control and 95% of the proles demand it.

yep, we have met the enemy and he is us