Ohio Slow gets a win today.


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And what a gift it is. New Mexico State University is at OSU today and should lose by 60. How did OSU manage such a patsy this far into the season? Usually your powder puff victories come at the first of the year. Anyway, while it will be a win it will not do anything to make OSU look any better. Our local HS football team could beat the Aggies.
And what a gift it is. New Mexico State University is at OSU today and should lose by 60. How did OSU manage such a patsy this far into the season? Usually your powder puff victories come at the first of the year. Anyway, while it will be a win it will not do anything to make OSU look any better. Our local HS football team could beat the Aggies.

Congrats on the easy day. Every team needs one or two.

Bama gets a saturday off today. After 8 straight gameday saturdays, they need the rest.
And what a gift it is. New Mexico State University is at OSU today and should lose by 60. How did OSU manage such a patsy this far into the season? Usually your powder puff victories come at the first of the year. Anyway, while it will be a win it will not do anything to make OSU look any better. Our local HS football team could beat the Aggies.
LOL I'm not rising to the bait. With the exception of Va. Tech the Aggies would have been the thoughest non-conf opponent the SEC had played this year. At least OSU played USC (7-1) and Navy (6-2) on it's schedule. We did all right.
LOL I'm not rising to the bait. With the exception of Va. Tech the Aggies would have been the thoughest non-conf opponent the SEC had played this year. At least OSU played USC (7-1) and Navy (6-2) on it's schedule. We did all right.

Yeah, we know how you feel about the SEC.

Bama will have played 4 ranked teams by the end of the regular season. And if we complete that undefeated, we will play the team that has been ranked #1 for most of the season. All that before we play in a bowl.

No shame in our schedule.
tOSU must be following the Florida line of scheduling at the Gators second to last game is against that noted power FIU.

The thing with the strength of schedule is really does take to the end of the year to figure it out. Look at Ole Miss being ranked at #4 to start the year then following out of the Top 25 (back at 24 at the moment). I think most would agree Ole Miss was ranked that high based on their strong performance last year, bowl win and returning star players. However anyone who's watched them play this year knows they are not worthy of that high of a ranking.
And f*ck! I bet on tOSU every game. Today I got greedy and took the 44 points. I think the 1st Qtr was scoreless and I thought I made the right decision then the Bucks score 4 TD's in the 2nd Qtr and lead 28-0 at half. F Me!
And f*ck! I bet on tOSU every game. Today I got greedy and took the 44 points. I think the 1st Qtr was scoreless and I thought I made the right decision then the Bucks score 4 TD's in the 2nd Qtr and lead 28-0 at half. F Me!
You took NMSU and 44? And lost by 1? :lmao::lol::lol::rofl:
NMSU is my undergrad alma mater, you should have asked me and I would have told you to bet NMSU and 50 to 60.
Yeah, we know how you feel about the SEC.

Bama will have played 4 ranked teams by the end of the regular season. And if we complete that undefeated, we will play the team that has been ranked #1 for most of the season. All that before we play in a bowl.

No shame in our schedule.

SEC 2d tier teams compare very well to some of the best in the Big Ten in my opinion. Auburn, Miss., SC, and LSU would be giving everybody a run for their money. There are 2 teams in the country that get 2 places higher, in my opinion, because of their coach. FSU wirh Bowden, although currently unranked, the other Penn St. with Paterno. I don't know where PSU will be next week, but in my eyes without Paterno it would be 2 or 3 plac3es lower.
Miami, (ACC) has already played 4 ranked teams with more coming. And then there's Tim Tebow and the Gators, 'nuf said.(This town is like a bunch of proud papas when they discuss Tebow.)
OSU got a win today. Thats more than USC can say.

Auburn beat Ole Miss, which surprises me.
Yeah, we know how you feel about the SEC.

Bama will have played 4 ranked teams by the end of the regular season. And if we complete that undefeated, we will play the team that has been ranked #1 for most of the season. All that before we play in a bowl.

No shame in our schedule.
I agree and that's why Iowa and Alabama should be the top two rated teams. Iowa is getting screwed because they weren't rated highly at the begining of the season. I'll also say this about Iowa, partisanship aside, there the most fun team to watch this year.

Now Florida on the other hand has only played one good team this year, there schedule has been shameful.

BTW dude, if you go by rankings at the end of the season it's looking like Bama will have played only 1 ranked team (not including the SEC championship game) as it looks like Va Tech, Miss and S. Carolina will all drop out of the rankings. If you go by how they are ranked when they play (not as legitimate I feel) then Bama will only have played 3 ranked teams as they have not played SC yet and SC is sure to drop out of the rankings.
And f*ck! I bet on tOSU every game. Today I got greedy and took the 44 points. I think the 1st Qtr was scoreless and I thought I made the right decision then the Bucks score 4 TD's in the 2nd Qtr and lead 28-0 at half. F Me!
Ha! That's what you get dude! Bad day for you. USC got Duck Walked too! LOL Scarlet and Grey all the way!
SEC 2d tier teams compare very well to some of the best in the Big Ten in my opinion. Auburn, Miss., SC, and LSU would be giving everybody a run for their money. There are 2 teams in the country that get 2 places higher, in my opinion, because of their coach. FSU wirh Bowden, although currently unranked, the other Penn St. with Paterno. I don't know where PSU will be next week, but in my eyes without Paterno it would be 2 or 3 plac3es lower.
Miami, (ACC) has already played 4 ranked teams with more coming. And then there's Tim Tebow and the Gators, 'nuf said.(This town is like a bunch of proud papas when they discuss Tebow.)
That's complete and total nonsense. Only one of those teams would be competative against the top tier of the big 10, that's LSWho. The rest wouldn't even be competative against Iowa or Wisconsin (as post season bowl play has proven). Auborn, Miss and SC would be competative against the teams like MSU, Purdue and Illinois to be certain. Like I've said in the past, in head to head bowl games (which is what you have cause the SEC is afraid to play outside of it's backyard) in recent years if you take away Ohio States inexplicably bad record against SEC teams, the rest of the Big10 owns the SEC. The overall record of Big10 vs SEC is 95 and 78, so ya'lls argument literally just doesn't add up.

I have nothing against the SEC (other then they seem to be afraid to play us here up north) but the numbers show beyond a doubt that the Big 10 and the Big 12 are the best two conferences in college football with the SEC # 3 and the Pac 10 is #4.
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I agree and that's why Iowa and Alabama should be the top two rated teams. Iowa is getting screwed because they weren't rated highly at the begining of the season. I'll also say this about Iowa, partisanship aside, there the most fun team to watch this year.

Now Florida on the other hand has only played one good team this year, there schedule has been shameful.

BTW dude, if you go by rankings at the end of the season it's looking like Bama will have played only 1 ranked team (not including the SEC championship game) as it looks like Va Tech, Miss and S. Carolina will all drop out of the rankings. If you go by how they are ranked when they play (not as legitimate I feel) then Bama will only have played 3 ranked teams as they have not played SC yet and SC is sure to drop out of the rankings.

The rankings at the time weigh in a great deal, because teams often go down later because of injuries ect. The first couple of games may not work, but after that its a good formula.

And we played SC already and beat them soundly. We haven't played LSU yet. When we thrash them, it'll all work out.

As I have said several times, as long as Bama is in the top 3 and FL is there as well, our shot at the NC is in our hands.
The rankings at the time weigh in a great deal, because teams often go down later because of injuries ect. The first couple of games may not work, but after that its a good formula.

And we played SC already and beat them soundly. We haven't played LSU yet. When we thrash them, it'll all work out.

As I have said several times, as long as Bama is in the top 3 and FL is there as well, our shot at the NC is in our hands.
I stand corrected you did play SC, it's Florida who has yet to play them. Still my point remains, rankings during the season are not as legitimate as the end of season rankings. We'll see how tough Bama's schedule was at the end of the season. One things for sure, it's been way tougher than Florida's patsy schedule. LOL
The rankings at the time weigh in a great deal, because teams often go down later because of injuries ect. The first couple of games may not work, but after that its a good formula.

And we played SC already and beat them soundly. We haven't played LSU yet. When we thrash them, it'll all work out.

As I have said several times, as long as Bama is in the top 3 and FL is there as well, our shot at the NC is in our hands.
I'd have to say it's not looking good for the Hawkeyes to have a shot at the title. Texas best shot at being upset was last night. About the only chance Iowa has now is if LSWho beats Bama and then beats Florida in the SECCG. Fat chance of that happening. I hate the BCS!!