Oil at high, dollar at low, etc...


Villified User
Well oil is pretty much at a record high, the dollar is at a new record low against the Euro.
Opec is raising oil production by 1/2 million bbls per day because of the us led junk loan debacle.
We have pumped over 200 billion into that as well to keep banks and such solvent.
We had a net job loss.

but what eh hey! the economy is boomin and apple is up.

I am not an economist, but this all has to mean something....
wow new tricks to the trailor park
1 month loss of jobs, houndreds of thousands created this year Mr GED.
Here's a tip for you to share at the bowling alley, oil is going even higher.
right shoved your head up your ass again and that's the best you got, have fun touring other trailor parks
Mr GED you'd have 2 double wides if you had bought all the stocks I have recommended over the last two years.
Most of it is way over your head, I understand but I try anyway
I am quite comfortable college boy. On my farm with a nice little brick ranch style home, a couple of barns, tractors, few cows, etc. I have no debt and a pocket full of money.
I also have half ownership in a business and am providing decent employment for 4 people.
Keep on counting you beans hillary gal.