OK, ... who is the Forum Snitch ...

cancel2 2022

What did you do Jack, set our alarm for when your ban was up. Jeebus you need to get a life.

Not that I am keeping score, but it was probably me that ratted on you. I try hard to keep this board from becoming shitty, and routinely rat out the assholes that try to make it shitty...

Don't even try to hand us that shit, loser. :palm:

You're just a low-class wuss who, when you can't measure up or match wits, you look to get revenge any sleazy, slimy, underhanded way your weaselly little brain can conjure up.

If you really wanted to keep this board from becoming shitty, you'd cancel your account and never come back.

I won't say you're the shittiest poster here, hard as it is to believe, there are a couple even worse than you, but you're one of a very small group who this place would be vastly improved without.


You and Dumber69 are the worst without a doubt. You even surpass cunts like TDAK, CFM and Character Abomination.