Okay...alrighty then...


I am a very blunt person...I speak my mind and am assaulted on all fronts...so be it..at least I will die someday happy knowing I never waivered...can y'all say the same...never mind this is internet..honesty is not the policy..or something like that...lol...have a great New Years anyway!!!!:p
I am a very blunt person...I speak my mind and am assaulted on all fronts...so be it..at least I will die someday happy knowing I never waivered...can y'all say the same...never mind this is internet..honesty is not the policy..or something like that...lol...have a great New Years anyway!!!!:p

Do you still believe in Santa Clause? If not, you wavered.
Ensign Pulver aka Pvt Gomer...y'all failed Human communications 101 at the Naval Academy as well as a few poor grades in other subjects...back to swabbing the Decks with ya!!!
[Elmer Fudd voice]Poodle-doo, you pwidactible pwick. Maineman said exactwy what was on his mind. Bwuntly. I believe that was the original challenge.

appropriately? hardly. the envy you have for me is barely containable...

but just because you have exhibited a modicum of good sense and envy my superior intellect and education does not absolve you from the moronic mantle which you so comfortably wear - and so richly deserve.
You're so...

appropriately? hardly. the envy you have for me is barely containable...

but just because you have exhibited a modicum of good sense and envy my superior intellect and education does not absolve you from the moronic mantle which you so comfortably wear - and so richly deserve.

Right my degree was only the lowly Criminal Justice genre...and what was your degree in...swabbing the decks...thats what your classmates said!!!
naval engineering. You have never been close enough to lick the balls of any of my classmates...and you CERTAINLY do not have the intellect to actually BE one of my classmates.....you are a hopeless wannabe.
you're a stupid, poorly educated cop who thinks he knows about foreign policy and gets all hissy when you get your ass handed to you.

what a fucking loser.

you're a stupid, poorly educated cop who thinks he knows about foreign policy and gets all hissy when you get your ass handed to you.

what a fucking loser.

Okay Mr.Naval Engineer...I have no idea about foreign policy...or Intelligence or swabbing the decks...I just stumbled my way through...and have over 100 cases that were closed on terrorism and just a little combat experience...no hero mind ya just did my job...so my hat is off to you Pvt Gomer...ya have the market cornered...but your classmates still say your great at swabbing the decks!:tongout:
like I said...you don't know me and you certainly don't know any of my classmates...

and I am certainly no hero either, pal....but I did serve my country long and well and really don't have much patience for assholes like you who would try to denigrate that service....

go pick up a shoplifter and leave me the fuck alone....

like I said...you don't know me and you certainly don't know any of my classmates...

and I am certainly no hero either, pal....but I did serve my country long and well and really don't have much patience for assholes like you who would try to denigrate that service....

go pick up a shoplifter and leave me the fuck alone....

Don't be such a party pooper...you love to flame using sailor language I on the other hand flame with humor...
I was the cut King in HS and college...don't have a cow man!:ouch:
at least I will die someday happy knowing I never waivered...can y'all say the same.

You shouldn't take pride in dogmatism..... All that says about you is that you are pig-headed and don't face facts, rather you stick your fingers into your ears and shout 'La la la I'm not listening la la la!'
Don't be such a party pooper...you love to flame using sailor language I on the other hand flame with humor...
I was the cut King in HS and college...don't have a cow man!:ouch:

I never attribute any comments about you to folks other than myself... for you to attribute anything to any of my Naval Academy classmates is a lie and evidence of your uncontrollable envy.
Not really...

at least I will die someday happy knowing I never waivered...can y'all say the same.

You shouldn't take pride in dogmatism..... All that says about you is that you are pig-headed and don't face facts, rather you stick your fingers into your ears and shout 'La la la I'm not listening la la la!'

all this says about me is that I have confidence in what I say...whether it be serious or humorous...don't take yourself sooo serious...it's bad for your heart!
No envy here...

I never attribute any comments about you to folks other than myself... for you to attribute anything to any of my Naval Academy classmates is a lie and evidence of your uncontrollable envy.

and since you are so involved in how bright you want to be...I will no longer joke with you...rest easy now...I will leave you alone!